Issue with New Hub: Cannot access Hubitat Dashboard (local) - blue led light

Plugged in the new HUB and scanned my network for hub's IP.

Found it @ and visited it directly - but i get an error "Unable to Connect"

Pinged the hub and it responded fine.
Visited it's diagnostic page and it's reachable thru that.

Now unless the web port of the hub is defaulting to something else (not 80) then I don't have a clue why this is.

Im 100% sure no firewall issues or so on port 80 because i have another hub on the network that's running everything in my house (I'm setting up a new , 2nd hub)

Tried to do FIND MY HUB and hub would appear if i do an Advanced Search -> Set current IP option

but clicking that brings me to the same address

Both don't work.

I did a FULL RESET -> and everything is the same way still.

I'm stumped and I need to get this hub running before tomorrow :frowning:

And warranty/replacement isn't an option for me (I'm outside US) :frowning:

Blue LED means it is loading the Platform image. If it can't download the Platform code the blue led never goes away..

Your Diagnostic Tool Version is a bit older.. one new option is "Download latest" which would help you I think.

  1. Navigate to http://[Your Hub IP]*/hub/cloud/updateDiagnosticTool, wait a few minutes (you will not see a progress report), and the latest Diagnostic Tool version will be downloaded if needed.

found here:

Since this is usually automatic, I'm wondering about Internet access for this specific hub too. If you're unable to download the diagnostic tool, then you should look at blocks in your network.


So i tried that..

mine is:

It would seem to load for a bit but then would redirect me to the home URL

which, again, brings me back to the Unable to Connect issue.

I doubt there's anything blocking the internet access for this hub since I don't have any such rule on my home network.

I can see also in my DHCP that the hub was given the IP (and assuming the right subnets and gateway and DNS as well)

For the sake of testing, I rebooted my Router and no bueno :frowning:

i hope this ain't a dud :frowning:

Is the new version 1.0.97?

If yes, then there's that Download Latest Version will be available.

Screen Shot 2022-12-13 at 11.50.55 PM

as previously stated, update didnt work :frowning:
im still on Diagnostic Tool Version: 1.0.75

And revisiting the home page, it still says unable to connect: "ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED"

Downloading is a pretty basic function, compared to displaying an interactive page of buttons. :slight_smile:

If it times out trying to get the small Diagnostic Tool, it's not going to work better on the Platform Image. :slight_smile:

One common comment I often have seen at the end of these types of problem is: "Oh, I had PiHole running and it was blocking."

I've tried swapping power and lan cable w/ my currently working hub and same issues :frowning:

I dont have PiHole or anything that may be blocking things tbh.. and my older hub is pretty much on default network settings (port 80 and all)

I even tried the update link u gave for my old hub and i did get a JSON respnose:


The only thing i can think of is that the hub is unable to connect to servers due to wrong settings on the subnet, gateway, or dns ,

My subnet here btw is - if this offers any clue

but the new hub got IP settings from DHCP of my router so things should be fine... but thre's no way for me to check what actual Subnet DNS and Gateway is set on the new Hub so perhaps that's the issue there.

I did reboot the router to reboot the DHCP server in it , just to make sure it's able to give the hub all the right IPs... still didnt work :frowning:

Tried rebooting the hub to safemode and i got this:

in fact, shutting down also results to that error code :frowning:

I tried to do a PIN reset on the hub.. i poked the reset hole (felt the switch dip) and held for over 15seconds.. nothing happened.

Monitoring the pings, it never went offline

Tried to do a soft reset, and hard reset, from the diagnostic UI and now im getting the same 401 error on those.. I can't even reset the darn thing :frowning:

Blue LED on a C7 means that the UI didn’t load, i.e. 401 error when you try to access the hub’s UI. Port 8081 access gives me some hope that @bobbyD or @support will be able to walk you through a solution. The “reset” button on the bottom only resets the network settings back to the defaults, it doesn’t reset the hub.


You must have had the hub for a while, as it shows a fairly old platform and outdated Diagnostic Tool, as others have mentioned. The blue LED means that hub was likely not formatted properly. Try the following steps as described in the FAQ:

  • NOTE if your hub is unable to connect to the internet, you will not be able to use the hub and will require a replacement. If that's the case, please submit a warranty case by visiting the following page:

The 401 error is a legacy error for the login timing out. Logging out, clearing the browser history and then logging back in should resolve the problem.

YEs, i purchased 10 hubitats a while ago from amazon and had them shipped to my country. I stocked up on it and this is my 2nd to the last unit. So it's pretty old stock.

So i tried the steps and at least I seem to be getting somewhere.. Factory recovery was successful, download latest version seem to have worked...although i noticed that i got the "success" message almost instantaneously after pressing updated ... like success message came in after 2 seconds or so (i think too quick for any meaningful update)


Went back to the Diagnostic home screen and I'm still on the same version:
Diagnostic Tool Version:


But i noticed PLATFORM VERSION is empty this time.

Went ahead and did the /setup step and i am confused by this screen

it says update failed yet it says congrats and latest version will be running in just a moment.

It's been like this for over 5 mins.. im afraid to refresh browser or even proceed to the next step (unplug hub from wall )

Further investigating the Download Latest Platform Version thing, i opened the debugger and ran it again....

I got this:

it says success but it really doesnt seem like it did anything real.

From: Invoke HE Hub update via localhost URL post? - #16 by jpoeppelman1

Yeah, your hub isn't connecting to the cloud, and recovering from a blue LED requires cloud connectivity. Are any of your other hubs able to connect to the cloud (assuming they are all connected to the same local network)?

YES.. my other hub that's been running well actually for months.

my connection is:
Fiber Internet ----> Wifi Router -----
-----------------> HUB 1 (working, green led, able to connect to internet and update itself thru cloud)
-----------------> HUB 2 (having issues as described herein)

Wifi router, serves DHCP my network and does not have any filtering, firewall blocks, or any non-default stuff. Just that I use subnet for my home network.

well I tried to update again and left it running, while I have opened already a tab for /setup page and it already says there "Update failed, please try again"

Hubitat natively supports /24
Your /18 is perhaps causing the problem. See if you can create a reservation within the same /24 as your router.

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Can you try setting hub date/time in the Diagnostics tool? If date/time is off by a lot, it will break certificate verification, and hub will not be able to connect to the cloud.


oh wow i think this one worked! I updated the time and then progress now happening!!... waiting for things to finish.....

Thank you!!!



Thank you!! whew.. so it was all coz of the time mismatch. gawd damn SSL


Make sure you go to z-wave details and click update z-wave firmware as well...