Is there an alternative to Echo Speaks?

Ok made some progress but stuck. I am trying to install echo speak without docker. I installed node and npm. I confirmed by doing a node - v and npm -v in a cmd prompt. I also tested my server with hello word.

But where/how do I type the following command (remember I am on Windows!)

Install and Run the Server:

Log in with the user who will run the server (does not need to be root).
Change to directory you wish to run the server from (can be home folder, subfolders will be created).

sudo npm install -g pm2
npm i
cd node_modules/echo-speaks-server
pm2 -n echo-speaks start index.js
pm2 startup
pm2 save
pm2 list

Sounds like a question for @jtp10181. I couldn’t get it working on Windows, but had enough spare parts to put together another computer, on which I installed Ubuntu. I now have the ES server, ntp server, pihole, and Homebridge running on it. Also, I don’t have to worry about Microsoft updates randomly rebooting this computer.

wow! that is all over my head. It might be simpler for me to just go get real dogs. lol

Ok I just did this for someone the other day via TeamViewer.
You actually only need two of those commands as shown.

First open the Node.js NPM console, should have gotten an icon added to start menu when you installed Node.js

Then CD to the directory you want to set this up. It should start in your home folder which is fine you can leave it there if you want.

npm i

That will download the packages needed. Then:
cd node_modules/echo-speaks-server

Now you should be in that folder.
You can start the server with
node index.js

This will run it in the console windows, you can test if you can get to the server via http://localhost:8091, press CTRL-C in the console to terminate it once tested.

pm2 is not supported on Windows so from there you can make a little batch file to start it, and then launch that from your Startup folder. This will require you to log in for it to run and will leave a CMD window running.

The other option is to use NSSM to install it as a service. NSSM - the Non-Sucking Service Manager

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Or you could setup an Alexa routine. Dog bark is one of the available sounds. Although, I have no idea what it sounds like.

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ooops disregard my other reply. I'll try that thank you for the quick response.

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Sorry me again :frowning: Ok After I copy paste the correct link and save the instructions say to continue with the setup inside Hubitat. I see Manage cookie service but I never know if i should click on tap to modify or next. that is confusing to me. Below are my steps. Maybe you can spot something I miss or did wrong. Thank you all for your help and patience.

Restarted PC.
Started node/npm console
CD \NODE\node_modules\echo-speaks-server
Starting the server: Node index.js Started see below:

:\NODE\node_modules\echo-speaks-server>node index.js
IP Address:
8-29-2023 - 7:01:57pm info: -- Echo Speaks Web Service Starting Up! Takes about 10 seconds before it's available... --
8-29-2023 - 7:01:57pm info: ** Echo Speaks Config Service (v2.8.0) is Running at (IP: | Port: 8091) | ProcessId: 10744 **
8-29-2023 - 7:01:57pm info: ** On Heroku: (false) **
8-29-2023 - 7:01:57pm info: Checking for Server Version Updates...
8-29-2023 - 7:01:58pm error: ERROR: Unable to retrieve Alexa Cookie Data from Hubitat: 400 - {"message":null}
Alexa-Cookie: Use as Login-Amazon-URL:
Alexa-Cookie: Use as Base-Amazon-URL:
Alexa-Cookie: Use as User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:99.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/99.0
Alexa-Cookie: Use as Accept-Language: en-US
Alexa-Cookie: Proxy-Mode enabled if needed: to listen on
Proxy Init: loaded temp data store ■■■ fallback former data
Proxy Init: reuse frc from former data
Proxy Init: reuse map-md from former data
Proxy Init: reuse deviceId from former data
8-29-2023 - 7:01:58pm error: generateAlexaCookie: You can try to get the cookie manually by opening with your browser.
8-29-2023 - 7:01:58pm debug: Alexa Login Status: There was an error
8-29-2023 - 7:01:58pm error: ERROR: Unable to send Server Version to Hubitat: 400 - {"message":null}
8-29-2023 - 7:01:59pm info: Server Version is Up-to-Date.
I open a browser at
I get the Alexa Login screen and type in my credential
I did get a successful login but error in the server log:
-29-2023 - 7:09:10pm debug: Alexa Login Status: Login Successful
8-29-2023 - 7:09:10pm silly: Echo Speaks Alexa API is Actively Running at (IP: | Port: 8091) | ProcessId: 10744
8-29-2023 - 7:09:11pm error: AlexaGuardDataSupport | No Alexa Guard Appliance Data found...
8-29-2023 - 7:09:11pm error: ERROR: Unable to send Alexa Cookie Data to Hubitat: 400 - {"message":null}
8-29-2023 - 7:09:11pm error: ERROR: Unable to send Server Version to Hubitat: 400 - {"message":null}

And now, all Airplay devices now work as TTS.
(Maybe that's not cloud based, but I'm not sure).

Do you run Home Assistant? You're deep in the weeds here. You might as well.

If you do, you can run Alexa Media Player along with a host of other integrations. Triggering HA integations from Hubitat is simple using a virtual switch and the Hubitat Integration for Home Assistant.

If you find you like having the additional hub available (and why wouldn't you?), there are a ton of devices that don't join to Hubitat at all, or don't play well on Hubitat that you can share from HA using Home Assistant Device Bridge.

I understand that you're just trying to make Echo Speaks work, and to be honest I'm not sure why some have trouble with it. I'm running a free Heroku account and it was pretty straight forward. But I'm not here to gloat. What I'm suggesting is, instead of throwing a single stone at a single bird, mow down a field of them with full auto.

Thank you. That makes sense. I like to challenge myself but not setup local web server with node non chocoley etc wayyyy complicated. I know 0 of home assistant but after diner I’ll look it up. So far my pod app at $2 per month is very simple to install and works. Thanks again for the idea.

Try modify, reset the server, then next. Open the login status again and proceed.

It’s local, but currently only available for beta testers.

thanks sounds great but got this trying to link to Amazon account
We were unable to link Voice Monkey - Smart Home + Routine Triggers + TTS at this time.

I used Voicemonkey when I was on the SmartThings platform and Echo Speaks was no longer being supported on the Smartthings Platform. I was using two smart plugs that had power management in them to track voltage levels of my washing machine and dryer to tell me when they were on and off. I used Webcore routines to trigger a voicemonkey routine to notify me on my Echo devices with a preset message. It worked well and the person that runs Voicemonkey was very helpful.

I no longer use voicemonkey being on hubitat now and using Echo Speaks.

Perhaps you could reach out to Voicemonkey support to assist you.

Thanks I would like to stay on Hubitat and use Echo Speak. But for some reason it won't work. Attached is a step by step with screenshots of my setup. Maybe someone will see a mistake I am making. I am stuck on login to Alexa Speaking Service. Just find out I can't upload a word doc.

Probably this has been discussed before, but it’s difficult for me to find the answer in the thousands posts..

Is it theoretically possible that a new Echo-speak-server is hosted on Hubitat hub?

What kind of dog bark are you looking for? Just a bark from a medium sized dog, or a viscous dog sound of your choosing? There's a dog bark built-in to Alexa you can play with an Alexa routine and there's no announcement proceeding it. It's just a short yap that isn't intimidating, but might fool someone into thinking you have a dog.

Having said all this, keep in mind that any dog bark sound is possibly only going to be a concern if the intruder is scared of small dogs or is concerned about the dog barking.

Thank you for asking. I found 2 German Shepards aggressive barking for like 15 sec. So when my Ring door bell detects movement, Alexa bump up volume to 9 in living room. From outside it really sounds like we have guard dogs. I ha e accomplished that with My Pod App which will play any mp3 I put in my Google drive. $2/month but works.

Sorry but I can’t find the exact skill to add to Alexa to play a sound effect from Alexa sound effect library. Sure would like to try that. Thank you.

When I looked at your post yesterday, it looked like the echo speaks app on Hubitat wasn’t getting the correct ip address for the server. I saw in the logs. This is the same problem that I had with Windows. It was faster to install Ubuntu and Echo Speaks on a spare PC, even though I had never used Linux before. That said, I remember others having the same problem, so the answer is probably available somewhere in the forum.