Update: Once the 3rd zen25 was installed for about 24-hours, the network destabilized badly. See my more recent post.

I am using the stock driver (Zooz double plug) without problems. I have 2 zen25's installed.

FWIW, I have one Zooz double-plug on my system, FW 2.0, and the Basic Z-Wave Tool does read parameters...my plug is quiet.

Two seems to work. Adding the third, and... things get funky again.

I have 4 of them and still have problems with my ZWave network. That's enough. I just ordered 4 Enbrighten Zigbee 3.0 Plug-In Dual Outlet wich is on the compatible devices list of Hubitat.

I don't think Zooz team is working anymore on that problem with Hubitat. Then that's it Zooz for me.

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Update: Once the 3rd zen25 was installed for about 24-hours, the network destabilized badly. See my more recent post.

As reported earlier, I have not had problems with my zen25's ever since implementing the parameter 18 solution. I have 2 included in my network and just added a 3rd. I'll report back how it works out after a couple of days.

I have also verified that the basic z-wave tool works with my zen25.


Well... I installed the third ZEN25 and my network became incredibly unstable within 24 hours. I have reduced down to 1 ZEN25 and things are working again, but I will take that one out of service unless some sort of update is identified by the good folks at Zooz that can solve the problem.

I had parameter 18 set to 1 on all 3 devices and the logs did not show a lot of excess traffic, so I am not sure what is going on.

@agnes.zooz do you have any insights? Are there different hardware or firmware levels that could explain why some people are seeing stable networks with ZEN25s and others are not?

The screenshot below has some info, including firmware version of the 1 remaining ZEN25 I have on my network.


For what it’s worth I had two zen25s on my C7 setup with no security, reporting disabled, and parameter 18 adjusted. I was running for months and thought I was fine. I started having some issues with zwave responsiveness at times and @bobbyD did some debugging for me. He said I had some devices spamming my hub and recommended removing the zen25s. I removed them and my issues went away. He confirmed that my zwave traffic had settled down. I have not tried to include them again.

Thanks for posting this. I realize my most recent post is contrary to my previous posts where I said, "they work for me", but once I added the 3rd ZEN25 into my network, everything deteriorated within 24 hours. As I reflect on the last couple of months, what you describe is consistent with what I experienced.

I have 1 left in the network which I replace shortly.

@bobbyD How do you detect that network being spammed?

I monitored the z-wave logs that are accessible via "settings->z-wave details->z-wave logs" and didn't see what appeared to be a lot of traffic from the zen25s.

Logs (past logs) is your go to place. But it depends on the driver if it has logging enabled to show the real traffic. With built-in drivers you have more insight by enabling debug logging from Device Details, some custom drivers don't have much logging, so you don't know what's hitting your hub.

When I did some zniffing watching my ZEN25 a while back, I tend to agree with bcopeland that the device might be restarting internally via a watchdog of some sort. Everything would be going fine and the device would then start rerouting and spamming all sorts of stuff in the mesh. These are routing commands that you cannot see on the hub interface. I could imagine when you have 3 going if they all start doing this it would confuse all the devices and grind everything to a halt. This can also be verified by checking the route changes metric. This device has many more route changes than anything else for no apparent reason. It is a comparable location to many other devices so the range should not be an issue.

I could add the parameter 18 to my driver, I never knew it existed, just noticed this thread recently. I will have to get the full details on it from Zooz so I know what options to present on it. I am going to set mine to 1 for now and see if it cuts down on the routing changes.

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Different results always depend on different scenarios and conditions. We were able to establish that adding the device without security and disabling as much reporting as possible usually helps with any network issues. Sometimes, if you have a resistive or incandescent load connected to the plug, the reports won't be as frequent because there aren't a lot of changes in the power draw. But if @jtp10181 can find anything else on the device side that we could change via a firmware update, we'll definitely have our engineers make the adjustment!


Both myself and @bcopeland agree something odd is going on with the firmware causing the device to re-route constantly which spams the zwave mesh. Bryan thinks it might be the watchdog service (on the device) restarting the device internally. All I could do is get zniffer logs showing the re-routing but the engineers should be able to do the same. Without seeing source code for the firmware I don't think we can pinpoint the problem any further.


Thank you for the quick reply -- I've done that with the stock driver and I don't see a lot of activity there.

I had no security, power reporting disabled, etc., and still had the problem. The logs did not have a lot of clutter. I will add that when I had this same problem in the past with my previous Smartthings hub & C7 hub, I did encounter the hyperactive reporting problem. This is why I have disabled all power reporting and set parameter 18 to 1. Interestingly, for the first time, I am not longer able to successfully set parameter 18 with the basic z-wave tool for the 1 remaining Zen25 I have in my network.

I suspect this is what I am encountering. The network became massively unreliable but the hub logs and hub z-wave logs did not show excessive activity.

@agnes.zooz I hope that the engineers at Zooz can help us out.


Me too. I still have my two zen25s in my extra box of stuff.

I guess the bit I don't understand is why we would need to disable features, and not use security to have the device work properly. I have a mostly Zooz switch network, and this is the only one that I've had to put in the drawer-of-retired-tech. It also seems like the kind of thing that should be relatively easy to reproduce: build a network with lots of devices, then add ZEN25s until everything blows up. For me the magic number is three ZEN25s, two works OK.

But, knowing that the devices cause network instability, even if it doesn't manifest directly in a noticeable way is troubling.


I have 3 installed here all as S0 with no issues.


Which HUB are you using?


do they show a high number of route changes in the zwave info when acting up..
I have one paired with no security and no issues that i can see.
no route changes either.
Using the stock zooz double plug driver.

the childen are using the generic component metering switch driver

I do remember having trouble with it rerouting when it was actually TOO close to the hub.. Go figure.. now it is upstairs quite a distance from the hub.. Maybe the internal radio is too strong and causing interference?

Do you mean "no security" instead of "S0"? Since some are reporting issues with S2, having no problems with S0 would be even more amazing unless the firmware given the extra traffic. :smiley: (It would also take a bit more work to get it to even pair this way, especially on newer hub firmware versions.)

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Using a C7.