This is my very post, Just started my Home automation journey. Got some Nue Light switches / Nue Door sensors / Ikea Tradfri RBG Globes for lamps & few Ikea Tradfri Motion sensors.
So far all devices work fine except the Ikea Tradfri Motion sensors. I can detect them & add them as devices using the generic Zigbee Motion Senor drivers. But that's where it all stops.
I cannot create a rule to detect motion & turn on / off lights.
Anyone knows of custom drivers that are available?
The devices are not compatible with Hubitat (see List of Compatible Devices - Hubitat Documentation for a list known to work out of box, but many more can work with stock or custom drivers), and it's not just because there is no driver--they rely on odd behavior (group broadcasting only, at least for motion events) and it would require changes on the hub side. Here is some reading (yes, it's 2 years old, but there have been no significant Zigbee modfiications since then), and you can probably find more with additional searching:
In that case I will return the Motion sensors. but the question still stands, Which Motion Sensor should I buy to detect the motion sensor & turn lights on / off.
For zigbee, Philips Hue (best but exxy - but also available in outdoor form), xiaomi/aqara (using 3rd party drivers you can find here on the forum), sonoff, cygnett. Probably others but these do work with HE (I have all of them!)
I have had the best luck with the Smart Things motion sensors. (haven't tried the Hue ones yet)
Xiaomi/Aqara works too, but they lack temperature sensing and they are more prone to get disconnected than others - also, they are more of a hassle to reconnect as well as change batteries in.
Curious if the HUE Motions have gone through a Version increment of significance whereby you don't want any prior to Version x.x ; kinda like the Iris ones caused a whole lot less problems after Version x.x ?
I use the 3rd party one that markus wrote for use with sonoff sensors (oh la labs), I'd guess that any sonoff compatible driver would work. . Also I don't have any other cygnett stuff - I bought this one on a whim when it was cheap at Harvey Norman.