I think the patch notes revealed 2 new Zooz products before they could announce them

Patch notes said the following devices are now supported.

  • Zooz ZSE44 Temperature Humidity XS Sensor
  • Zooz ZSE43 Tilt Shock XS Sensor

I'm particularly interested in the temperature and humidity sensor. I googled them and the only reference I can find is the release of 2.3.0 thread.


I don’t see them either on Zooz or the smartest house websites but did find these details. Maybe @agnes.zooz can provide availability.



We plan to officially release these sensors in a couple of weeks. Feel free to reach out to our support to be added to the waitlist!


It's been three weeks, that is I believe, more than a couple.... any updates?


They are on the site now. I wonder how the Tilt sensor can detect a horizontal door opening...

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Nice catch - thanks!

I'm definitely eager to try out the temp/hum sensor, but I'm leery of the Beta label and how smooth/rough doing a future OTA f/w update is with a battery device... I've used the Update Firmware tool on mains-powered stuff, but I haven't tried it yet on a battery thing.

I may wait a few weeks to let braver souls give it a whirl.

Yes it can!

I had to update all 20 of my ZSE41 & 42s after buying them to resolve a firmware issue. Wasn't that big of a deal, just took a bit of time.

I have a pile of ZSE43 and ZSE44 coming (already shipped). Hope they work as well as the 41 & 42s do. Based on the parameters you can configure I think both will work well for my needs, though. Plan on using the tilt for tilt only (no shock reporting) and the other humidity only (no temp reporting).

But odds are they will be sold out in a few days, and you'll have to wait a few weeks anyway to try them. :slight_smile: So it all works out.

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Nice, the fact that you've done OTA on those newer products is encouraging... Alrighty, I'll place my order then... The parameter options for the ZSE44 sound great, so I'll be thrilled if it can deliver well on those capabilities and options. Thanks!

I'll be thrilled if it works well AND battery life is OK. They did put a ~3x bigger battery in the ZSE44 vs the 41/42/43 though, so I'm optimistic!!

One thing I will say, and to their credit Zooz does point this out, is that on coin cell battery devices the battery % fluctuates all over the place - up and down. Sometimes I look at my oldest ZSE42 and the battery is 64%... I'll look the next day and it is 84%... The next day something else.

Not too big a deal to me, but just thought I would mention it.


Ha, yes, noticed that too - I like that!

Me too. I would definitely have preferred another 1.8mm in height (assuming they could have absorbed the 4mm extra width in the same footprint looking at the pcb...) for a 3x bigger battery on the other 3 devices. But I get that there is no one right answer to this - it is always a tradeoff between size and capacity.


Nice catch. I didn't notice that. I notice that in the manual where it lists parameters, it doesn't mention anything about offsets. Hopefully this is something that can be added in a firmware update. It'd be nice to calibrate them to record the same temperature/humidity as my thermostat before moving them to where I want them.

ZSE44 Temperature | Humidity XS Sensor Advanced Settings - Zooz Support Center (getzooz.com)


I stand corrected. I was going by the ZSE44 manual - which doesn't list most of those parameters.

Another feedback for @agnes.zooz is that it is getting a bit frustrating that on the newest Zooz products the website vs the manual vs the Zwave alliance product catalog config parameter listing never match...

And this is a funny one from the webpage:

Parameter 2: Decide when the sensor should report low battery to the hub.
Values: 10-50 (% battery life). Default: 5
Size: 1 byte dec

Values 10-50, default 5... :wink: Pretty sure the default value shouldn't be outside of the acceptable value range.

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We update the firmware quite often as you know and the most up to date source would always be the knowledge base for advanced settings. There's no way we can quickly update the certification portal or paper documentation. Thanks for understanding!

Offset parameters are there but they aren't implemented correctly in the HE integration. We reported this issue to the developer and hope it will be updated soon.


No, that's OK. Sounds like I just need to consider the website the "most updated" parameter list - which is fine.

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Sorry for my abrupt link reply above - I was jumping on a work call when I saw the post about the params as defined in the manual, so I was out of brain cells to any additional helpful info ala "There's more parameter info here..." when I pasted the link in :upside_down_face:

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Well, I have ordered two and we'll see how they do. I have two outside gates with large gaps that I monitor with a "homebrew" contact sensor and originally brought some ZSE41s for them, but the gap is too large.

Wait! so I could mount this on my fence gate so I would know if it is open or closed? I ordered one last night right after I got the notification. Might just have to order a second if that's true.

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