Hubitat no longer connecting to ecowitt gateway

The IP of my hub has not changed.

I’ve not upgraded the code from micro’s last code.

Sorry for the delay in responding @inetjnky , been busy with work and... life. I expect not upgrading from Mirco's code should only affect dashboard display, not the data syncing that you are having issues with.

Have you turned on any additional logging options and looked in the logs for any hints?

Also, have you tried changing the Mac / IP and seeing what comes through in the logs?

I changed my Xfinity router from a XB7 to an XB8 and which has a separate SSID for the 2.4ghz band. Most of my 2.4 devices had to be manually reconnected to the network. I got the Ecowitt gateway reconnected but was having the same issues. No connectivity between the gateway and Hubitat. I had completely forgotten about the Ecowitt custom server page. It was disabled and all the values had been reset. Correcting that issue fixed everything. Thanks for the help!!!

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