Hubitat for AUS/NZ Chat

Finally got around to building the plug for @keith_munro and I did actually learn a thing or two, for example don't use glue use liquid nails as comms rack's get hot and the temp sensor falls off. I also wrapped the cable from the back with shrink wrap so it's much neater :stuck_out_tongue:


Put up a Hue Outdoor Motion Sensor and a few Smartthings Multipurpose on the weekend. Have to say, impressed by both. the smartthings door sensor has quite a range for the magnet trigger, works well. And the outdoor sensor is suuuuper sensitive. May have to rethink were I put it.

Starting to think that paying a bit more for kit can sometimes be a good thing. At least over hunting aliexpress for the cheapest thing I can find.


ST sensors really arnt that $, the outdoor sensor is but it would probably be set-and-forget

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I really like my Philips Hue Motion sensor (non outdoor) it's just quality and works well, it does 10sec state refreshes out of the box which is something my Xiaomi's don't do without a mod/hack. Anyways I was considering an outdoor one and still might in the future.

EDIT: I am currently using a Xiaomi motion sensor at my front entry for the external lights, the 60sec default is fine for that given it's not for security etc. It's almost instant too which is good.

I have three of the Hue outdoor sensors around my house covering all access. I ordered from Amzon when they were first released as you couldn't get them here. They are rock solid and battery is still on 100% after months of use :slight_smile: The HUE stuff all seems very reliable. I'd happily spend the dollars and get more if I needed them.


I’m definitely ST devices over xiaomi.
And I’ve never owned an ST hub. :+1:t3:

Yeah I'm appreciating the 'get what you pay for' mantra that @mike.maxwell says.

JB knocked off the 5 bucks on the ST door sensor for me, matching RACV which was good of them.

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How much?

29 for SmartThings MultiSensor. They sell them normally for 34. RACV is 29, but postage.

I think it depends on the person you get, they tend to be quite generous when trying to meet the inflated christmas targets lol.

Also got a ST Button from JB (29 bucks). Awesome little button.

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Nice price and good idea !
I Just wish someone had the “Arrival Sensors”

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Are they any good though? Might be good for the kids' backpacks or something though.


Our cars are my target for the Arrival sensors, running off car - USB power.


Yeah I had to get a friend in the US to ship me mine don't know why they won't sell them here. They do work really well though albeit battery life isn't that great as I had the first 1 die within 2 months but I have installed a new better quality battery so fingers crossed :wink:

You could just buy some Xbee's and run micro python code on them. I did that for my car before I moved but i had to remove it as I had a long driveway and it didn't quiet reach but new house should be fine. In fact I should try this again now that i've moved.

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going to try that next time, Samsung store wouldn't do it

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Agreed. I picked up a couple during Black Friday and just put one up at the front of the house this morning. I used a cheap arlo camera mount from ebay to attach it which allowed me to orient the sensor for the best coverage. The other one will go to the back. They really are excellent despite the high price.

I built this BLE beacon tracker, sort of (Raspberry Pi needed) and so far it's working perfectly.

I used these beacons NRF51822 2V 3.3V Bluetooth 4.0 Wireless Module For iBeacon Base Station Intelligent Control System Beacon BLE Module 4MA-in Integrated Circuits from Electronic Components & Supplies on AliExpress.

No idea about battery life at the moment though. Also there's the cost of the pi to factor in but mine's doing multiple duty including as a motioneye server and mqtt broker.

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Can you link me which one you grabbed?

This is the one I bought 1x Black Wall Mount Holder for Arlo Ultra,Arlo HD, Arlo Go Cam +1/4 Screw TH1346 | eBay. As it has a 1/4in camera mount you do need to make an adapter. A small block of wood should do it. Screw the Hue mount plate into the wood and use a 1/4 nut to hold it all to the arlo mount.

Woohoo my shelly 1's arrived, now waiting for scott to give me access to his drivers!

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Did you get the driver ? I have closed down access to the drivers after I was informed that Hubitat will be supporting shelly's natively by end of January 2020 which makes my code useless now.

If anyone here needs a custom driver for a LAN/WiFi device I'm open for business. @jchurch can attest to my coding skills and quality of work. Thanks.