Hubitat for AUS/NZ Chat

Yep, that's fair. Will look at that and see if I can easily tweak up something that improves the initial sign up experience - funny, I can spend days getting something that you see once, and never again... but I agree it is important so that people don't get confused and steer away.

I'd love to, but I think that's 100% up to the Hubitat folks - they don't make an API available where you can start up a listening socket (on any port) so the issue is really hard to solve unless they expose something custom/internal, or agree to allow me to make a built-in integration like they have done for other solutions. So the more people asking for it will mean they might look into it. BTW - I think your view on MakerAPI is probably like mine on Homebridge. It is way better now and seems to work without all the issues that the old versions had.

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I’m not a developer so I can’t really comment on feasibility. Here’s the integration app I use for homebridge:

For the homebridge integration, the network connections are coming FROM hubitat TO a static/known/stable device (homebridge). The end point is static/known/stable.

For hubiVue, the end point is a roaming mobile phone and even harder still, iPhones, iPads etc, don't allow incoming connections... so even if I wanted to, I can only make network connections FROM the iphone to the outside world. Nothing on hubitat can be hosted, so I'm now stuck. MakerAPI is the ONLY option in this scenario and homebridge have the unfair advantage of having a physical extra device in the mix. If I could sell you a blue box called a "hubiVue Bridge" then I could do this too... but alas I'm not that mean and you're fine to use hubiVue as long as you install Maker API :stuck_out_tongue:

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Makes sense. :+1:

Not necessarily, just need to code a cloud endpoint on your HE integration app and reference that from your mobile app using OAuth.

@gslender is hubivue able to display camera feeds? Also can the dashboards be displayed on Nest hubs?

One of hubiVue's benefits is that it is a local connected dashboard solution. So it gets the speed and ability to operate without the Internet being available. A cloud endpoint would negate that benefit.

I run the same integration and while it's acceptable, I'm not sure I'd call it fantastic. Often Apple Home gets out of sync with Hubitat and Z-Wave light switches are showing the wrong state. Double pressing the switch will get the desired outcome, but it's not user friendly.

I decided sometime ago the native Hubitat dashboard, or something which interfaces with Hubitat directly (like Hubivue), is the way I want to go for a wall mounted tablet. I'll keep the Apple Home integration around for my phone but am keen to try Hubivue for tablet access. It looks great @gslender.

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Can use a local endpoint also, only mentioned the cloud endpoint forst because it would allow you to leave the local network, and given that phones tend to be mobile…

We do support loading images that are refreshed from a URL (locally or web) after N seconds etc. I'm working on a native embedded browser tile so that you can render a full dynamic video feed etc, but that's some way off at this point. On the list, but not for today.

If Nest hubs are Google/Android devices, that can load apps from the Play Store, then yes. Alternatively, there is a web version of hubivue, so you could probably browse to that and launch a web version of hubivue from the Nest device. Obviously that won't be connecting locally, but the concept is there if you MUST use Nest and they don't support Android apps.

That was my experience and many other niggles that I frankly didn't like and so I built hubiVue because nothing else was like it... native app, beautiful looking, and locally connected. I love it :slight_smile:

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It’s been flawless for me, I even use it to manage our Geofencing Home and Away automations.

Previously I used the maker API integration and found it to be quite inconsistent.

The main issue with the app integration is that it’s very slow when you need to update something within the app e.g. adding something to HomeKit.

Can you PM me more details as on first look, I think you're wrong. There is nothing in the Hubitat API/SDK that explains how you would make the hub send device commands and event data to an iPhone (that can't accepting connections) and I can't see where in HE you can make it "host" on the hub and that not actually be a cloud service. Pls point me to where you think this can be done as I'm keen to be corrected and potentially change how the app connects to HE.

No worries, thanks for the update.

Unfortunately not. I'm currently casting hubitat dashboards to these devices. While that works well, there is the dreaded 10 minute timeout on current gen 2 hubs.

Thanks @thebearmay - you were right and I'm now on the journey to see if I can swing a HE App to replace MakerAPI. Not sure it would be worth it, but it is at least something I might be able to make the entire signup/config step easier for users, plus optimise the integration to a more tight/compact protocol that doesn't just blindly poll every attribute for every device smashing the hub with queries etc...

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That’s something I would be interested in too for an iPad dashboard.

Can you all provide me guidance on what showing a video feed requires?

hubiVue is native code on all platforms, so I need to consider what each supported platform offers for displaying video.

e.g. Is it a URL to a local video mp4 or similar codec, or is it a web page that, depending on the camera, has a range of propriety ways it shows a video display. Just trying to figure out what I need to provide most commonly to support most folks.

RTSP would be the most common method. Eg

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I found this device Nexia z-wave touch controller which is exactly what I was looking for ... Customisable lcd labels, hardware buttons and battery operated. Unfortunately it's not available in AU frequency.
Does anyone know of a similar device for AU frequency?

I’ve been wanting something like this for ages too!