Hubitat for AUS/NZ Chat

Hi Sanix, yes they do report power. Though as to the accuracy of the power they report I can't say. They could be reporting in milliwatts which would make sense of the measured watts I am seeing.

Thanks @craig.allen.20, I will give them a shot

Damn, you guys !
You got my shipping fingers twitching and another couple of those outlets have been sold, somehow.
He he he

What are the power rating specifications of those Telstra zigbee outlets? The listing on eBay doesn’t provide any details.

They are rated at 240V - 10A. Most important they are AU standards certified.


Hey All, I have just received my HE and have been very keen to fill my house with these power points, (max 4 gang, sorry @mat1

I know @jchurch and @mike spoke about them, but it chat went cold.
Are these just not compatible with HE? Even with a bit of tweaking to Tuya?

According to this post on Whirlpool, it can be done but you have to pull the thing apart and do it via serial rather than using tuya-convert.

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Never done the powerpoint, but I have done the 1, 2,3,4 gang light switches. I do them now via serial, as it just works. There are guides out there.

Thanks @mike, Are you happy with these switches?

I'm new to smart hubs in general, so never used tasmota before. I should be fine flashing them though

Any tips?

Try this: DETA Grid Connect 3 and 4 Gang Light Switches and Home Assistant – Hopefully Helpful Hints // Mike J McGuire

I remember there being some comments re Alpha blinds motors. I just got a battery driven motor installed which I believe is RF on 433.92 frequency (or is that the z-wave frequency?). Anyone used these motors?

yeah, 433 MHz will be the RF freq. :frowning:

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These outlets paired quickly and work great once setup as Generic Zigbee Outlets.
Thx for the heads up

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Hi all, I am trying to create a scene that when i turn the scene off the lights in the scene return to their original settings. I.e. The scene sets the lights to Blue with 25% brightness. On turning the scene off, I want all lights to return to white. Any suggestions,

Create another scene with the white light and turn off the blue scene by turning on the white?

Hey have you noticed how warm these "Telstra zigbee outlets" get ??
Rather toasty.
Somewhere I have a power meter so I'll plug one of the Telstra plugs into it and see what they're consuming, just being ON.

Actually, mine just arrived today and haven't been able to get them connected. Add Device/Zigbee/Start discovery (from memory), but nothing found. Tried it for 2 of the 4 plugs, no go. Also then moved them to within about 2m from the hub, still no luck.

What ! .....mine paired straight away.
From another room and down stairs from my HE, C4 hub so that's weird.

The Zigbee channel route ( [your_HUB_IP_Address/hub/zigbee/getChildAndRouteInfo] shows..

Neighbor Table Entry
[Natural Gas Sensor, 0C00], LQI:254, age:4, inCost:1, outCost:1
[Guest Loo Sockets, 9033], LQI:231, age:4, inCost:5, outCost:7
[Telstra Outlet #1, B444], LQI:254, age:3, inCost:1, outCost:1

Just out of interest, what Zigbee channel are you on ?
I'm on ch14

I am going to play with it again in the morning, to try to figure it out. Slammed with work this week. I am on Zigbee channel 20.

I did the zigbee channel route as suggested, but I can't see anything like what you have there. It looks more like html/the back end of a webpage, and doesn't include Neighbor Table Entry. Not sure what I did wrong. Can you see what I did wrong? (where is my hub address)

That url looks fine.