Hubitat Elevation Temporarily Out of Stock

+1, will make someone a great deal on it. Also have 2 NIB relays that I shamefully hoarded when they went for $25 on close out. I even have 1 special one I used to make that really great video I posted on YT 2 years ago rooting it :slight_smile: .


Been an ST user for a few years and the inconsistencies with it's operation is getting annoying. I'm tired of waiting for it to become stable so I'm at the point of needing to move on to something better. This hub really looks like the ticket and I'm looking forward to working with it.

Maybe this was asked before but I didn't see anything. Can these be pre-ordered and those who have pre-ordered get put on a FIFO list for when you get stock?


Unfortunately there’s no option to pre-order on the hubitat website.

On the face of it, that seems like a good idea!

I want my second hub already, I will take even without the India z-wave and power supply.

A pre-order option should be available.,

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I'm not looking to buy another, but anyone know when they expect to get back in stock again? seems like forever.

Agreed. Their revenue & cashflow must be really, really suffering. I'm assuming the manufacturers are playing all sorts of games with priorities -vs- order quantities and prices right now too. Not an easy time at all for a small business :confounded:


4 posts were split to a new topic: Looking to move from Smartthings

I'd sell one of mine, however it's the European version. Unopened C5. And I live in Sweden...

Check ......not sure if it's true but rhey seem to have 3 at 99$

Nope... website is wrong, no stock.

I have an extra C5 hub I would be happy to sell for an eye watering, gouging inflated price. :stuck_out_tongue: Starting price of $299, as-is / no returns accepted. lol


Hubitat - do you have an ETA of when the hubs will be back in stock? I have been checking nearly every day, followed by a sigh of disappointment, and I would really like a ballpark. Thanks.


I think you could have your pick of ballparks these days. They aren't being used. :wink:


@zarthan - clever! :wink:


Thank you for helping test my five-day-old stitches :rofl:


Does this mean what I think it means?

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Lost in the levity... Welcome, Julie!


Steven (@LosinIt) had it right - welcome! And while waiting for your Hubitat, feel free to use this community to help you plan your transition to Hubitat!


Thanks, I will take you up on that!

I had a big weekend planned on May 23/24 to fully migrate my VeraPlus devices to my Samsung SmartThings hub (40+ devices over several years). In the process, I had to move my SmartThings hub temporarily into the garage to help pair the garage switches. Upon the return to its normal place, I inadvertently plugged my SmartThings into the wrong power adapter (also white with the same connector type) and fried it. :frowning: This sucked, but I figured I could simply get another SmartThings hub and copy the image down from the cloud. Samsung support told me that you cannot copy/migrate the config. Say what?! So this means if the hub ever fails or I want to upgrade, I’m up the creek again with a monstrous number of devices in my house that are cumbersome to unpair/pair.

Fortunately, the smart people at Konnected have now added Hubitat to their list of supported hubs. I have ~50 hardwired windows & doors that I moved from an old HAI system over to Konnected.

Since I’m starting OVER from scratch, I’m thinking that migrating devices should be a core requirement. :blush:

Here I am, hating on ST every time I look at a z-wave switch, waiting for Hubitat to come to back into stock. I literally had one in my cart ready to buy, got distracted, came back the next day to "out of stock."

And that's my story.