Hubitat Elevation Temporarily Out of Stock

I agree with this to a point. And right now it is hard, as a consumer, to gauge the supply chain.

Now with people going out and buying all of the retro Nintendos and creating a false market is despicable.

That would be hard, since we are out of stock.


Are you guys selling on Ebay now??? huh?? Huh??? making a profit??? :rofl:


Dang, I should have thought of that! :upside_down_face:


True, but by what they sell, they are some type of reseller. They have dozens of Amazon Echo and nine of the same Playstation controllers, for example.

The delivery date is also fairly far out in the future too, up to two weeks shipping time.

Just suspicious, that is all.


I thought the UK slang was bog roll ?


I've got a new tagline: "Hubitat Elevation®, the new Bitcoin"


Forget the retro stuff, have you seen how hard it is to buy a Nintendo Switch these days? People are buying them as fast as they appear, with many ending up on eBay, Walmart, and Amazon for $450 and up! The Animal Crossing edition is selling for $600+. Crazy times due to supply chain interruptions as everyone wanting to play the new Animal Crossing (my wife included!)

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I guess I'd better hang on to my Hubitat. It's about to become legal tender.

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In that case @cobra is quite wealthy.:rofl:

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Don't raise the price of hubitat hubs. That would make them more expensive and more challenging to obtain.

Someone's scalping Hubitats like tickets to the Superbowl. There oughta be a law.

Do I hear $186? Going once, going twice?...

Better get those Hubitat forges crankin' big time! Even if you have to dump some nitro fuel in there! I bought mine on Amazon for $120 right before the Wink exodus in the 1st week in May and it runs like a top. Just not enough to go around.

And so it goes,... the price on ebay is up to 250 now!

USD 265.00 + shipping with 27 bids!

New user here. Need a hub badly. Settling for SmartThings for now :frowning_face:

My concern here is the potential bad business practise. If they don't sell them I suspect they will return them for a full refund (i.e. there is no risk). The original seller ends up being the one that looses out (e.g. postage, time and logistics - and in Amazon's case, the return postage too!).

Obviously I've made a number of assumptions here, including that they've actually physically got the stock they say they have.

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I've been running on a SmartThings v2 for about five years and it's finally started dropping devices and screwing up my automation. I was really excited when I heard about Hubitat, but I only just missed the window. This "temporary" unavailability, with my smart home collapsing around me, is so exasperating! Not to mention it's taking a toll on my marriage. If the Hubitat doesn't become available soon, then I absolutely won't be buying one.

...until it does.

Can't wait.



I have a Wink hub I would be willing to part with. :wink: