Hubitat and Broadlink RM Pro + WIFI + IR + RF Remote Controller

Thank you sir, I have looked and looked for a way to control these things with the HE, I even read about the node red, rm plugin, etc...I must admit, it's above my head going from site to site, using a piece from this one and piece from that one...

I am trying to do away with the need for the cloud with all this stuff, I just got all my switches, etc. changed out and got voice control working with needing Alexa or GH, if I can just get this part going....

I got faith in ya!!!

I have installed the broadlinkgo on my pc and run it.
I get

2019/07/03 10:25:05 Found 1 devices
2019/07/03 10:25:05 Devices Found, updating check interval
2019/07/03 10:25:05 Listening to address
2019/07/03 10:25:05 Received packet of length 128 bytes from
2019/07/03 10:25:05 Found a supported Broadlink RM2 Pro Plus, device type 10026 (0x272a) at address, MAC 34:ea:34:e7:e6:d7

How do connect to the web interface in order to scan for my devices ?
I only see a logs in a dos window

I answered this in another thread but for completeness to any one who comes wandering along. The very first line in the log should say Listening on port 8000 (this is configurable, read the docs)

So to connect to the interface just visit in your web browser.

Ok, I made some progress, need another day I think and you should be able to manually add a device if you know its mac/ip

Sounds great, your the man!

@dell I believe I've got an update!

v1.03 has a manual mode, details in readme, just make sure when starting up you pass --mode=manual on the command line. Tested on my network adds correctly and sends commands. Let me know how it goes!

Hey Mr. Genius, the manual mode is working!!!

I am gonna have to do some major thinking how to do all this now, I have 3 RM devices with multiple devices on each one. Like power button for for each one. Looks like I am in for alot of button pushing!

I noticed you used an "_" in the readme, can you use any of the other characters as well, like the "-, =, +", etc.

This stuff is a bit above my head, but you are a great teacher.

Very well done good man, my hats off to you and thank you very, very much from this ole feller!!

Glad to hear it's working! I chose to use a "_" but any character should work.

I write my rules like device_button so viziotv_mute, viziotv_on etc.

Don't forget macros too. I have one request like this:


That turns on my tv and changes the input to my appletv.

I wire these up to http get switch, so I can run a macro like "Office TV on" "Office TV - abc" etc.

Is this the switch driver you are using?

This one (though that one should be fine)

Also check the repo in a couple days, I’ll have a new release that saves your manually configured devices between restarts, I realised I missed that.

The driver you shared is much easier to use, thanks.

I have not been able to get any of the commands that are generated to work in the Hubitat. I had to remove the -port=8000 for it to create & write commands for me in Win10

Also, when you are in the browser, the Execute doesn't work for me. I might have something wrong still, Will fool with it tomorrow and let ya know.

Here is a new release that will keep your devices stored between restarts

As far as the other issues go, I'd say back to basics. Removing the "--port" part shouldn't matter as the default is that port anyways.

Are you saying the execute button doesn't work but the api request does?

It's definitely working here but happy to work with you. My kids went into their playroom this morning and told alexa to "Play Cartoons" it was awesome (mostly because I didn't have to get out of bed" :slight_smile:

Please, where I have to paste the URL?, I dont understand..

Do you have everything working using @rob121 's web interface? For example, can you learn commands and execute them and get the expected effect?

Once it works in the web configuration utility, you can install the http get switch example into your Hubitat drivers. Then install a new virtual device instance of that driver for each command or macro and add the URI in that device's settings sections.

Hi Rob, thx for creating this, however I can't discover my device, not even in manual mode :frowning:
Ran the exe of the latest version (1.07) as admin, opened up local firewall and then set the correct IP and Mac for my device in your interface. Tried all the RM variants that were listed and it's just not finding anything :thinking:
Any ideas as to what might be happening??

Looks like it's not using the IP I've set and also looks like it selects a port at random every time I try with a different device

Let’s start w/ basics

What broadlink device model?
What device is the software running on?
Is the broad link pingable from the device that hosts the software?
What method are you using to get the ip/mac of broadlink device?

Name shows up in my router as follows: Broadlink_RMPROSUB-99-ed-ce
Bought it here:
They claim it's a differentiated version for the Australian market:
about the version, we have checked seriously with the factory and we explain: This product of European regulations and American regulations are indeed a differentiated version, RM PRO+ and RM PRO. But the Australian version is not divided, so it means that, in AU, RM PRO+ is what we say RM PRO, and we can be sure that the item you received are the latest version, this information can also be found on the official website. any more question, contact us without hesitation

Your exe is running on a Win 10 Pro instance (non-virtualised)

Haven't tried to ping it yet.

IP/Mac comes from the information I get from my router.
IP for the RM pro has been made static in the router.

Ok, let me know his ping goes, I’ll do some research but it might be an issue with it not being compatible due to market issues.

Sorry Rob, haven't had a chance to retest yet but I think I know where it went wrong.
I have multiple SSID's at home and the laptop where I was running your exe from may have switched over to a different SSID to the one the Broadlink was on... D'oh.
Let me confirm that tonight :wink:

All good Rob, that's exactly what it was.
Didn't even have to do manual discovery, found my device fine as an RM2 Pro V2 in auto discovery.
Was able to learn commands too without any issue via your interface.

Also installed the HTTP Switch driver in hubitat, now if only I would have a clue as to how to use it :slight_smile: