Hub update 701

Hubitat Elevation Software Update is now available.

Please note, the process takes about a minute to download (depending on your internet connection) and extract the hub update, and from one to two minutes to perform the update after you click Update.

We recommend that you periodically download a backup of your setup from the Settings page, Backup and Restore.

Changes from

Bug Fixes:
Various Timezone bugs that have been reported
Bad battery reporting on ecolink motion sensors
DefaultValues for devices in preferences
Mode Manager bug with sunrise/sunset offsets
Motion Lighting bug with delay-per-mode

Additions / Changes:
New Virtual Lock driver
New Generic Glass Break driver
New SmartThings V4 Presence driver
New SmartThings Multi Sensor (STS-MULT-001) driver
New Generic Zigbee Bulb Driver
New Aeon Wallmote driver
Updated fingerprints to improve device matching
Rule Machine:
added every-n-seconds to Periodic Trigger
added refresh action
These two together for polling lazy-reporting z-wave devices
SmartThings Integration, added Locks, fixed CO sensor, fixed Virtual Dimmer with fade


Generic Zigbee Bulb Driver replaces the following drivers that are no longer available in device discovery.

  1. Cree Bulb
  2. GE Link Bulb
  3. ZigBee Dimmer

It is recommended that you change any bulbs using the old drivers to Generic Zigbee Bulb Driver, after changing the driver, please click Configure in the driver UI to set the reporting parameters correctly for use with this driver.