Hub continues to freeze

The hub uses ARP, IMCP Ping, DNS, mDNS and various other services. If you have anything like that blocked and the hub keeps pounding it, maybe causing it to spiral out of control? I have seen other posts from people complaining about constant pings and it was mostly because they are blocking so much stuff the hub keeps knocking.

Also in your networking settings on the hub, there is a link speed option, whatever it is set to, try the opposite, sometimes it helps with various issues. Check the Auto reconnect check as well, I would try with it disabled and also at the highest value, see if either of those helps. The auto-reconnect was one of the things causing constant pings depending on how it was set.

Maybe someone with Unifi equipment has some ideas on settings on the router itself to check.

If using the standard Unifi firewall, there would have to be rules set up specifically to drop access based on these specific protocols. You would see these in the firewall rules list, likely in the internet tab (but not necessarily).


Within the UniFi setup there are global and local settings for jumbo frames. Each UniFi switch, including the UDM routers, has the ability to use global or local settings.

On the UniFi network setup make sure multicast DNS is enabled. Check the port settings to make sure things look OK there.

On the Hubitat networking side everything set to default works with UniFi equipment. No need for DNS override. No need for static IP (DHCP reservation should be set in the router/DHCP server). Ethernet speed works with auto-negotiate. Auto reconnect should not be needed.

If you have a bunch of VLANs and/or firewall rules then you can post them for someone (not me) to answer.


Just wanted to provide an update and thank everyone for their suggestions.

As a last ditch, I put the C-7 onto its own V-LAN, in January. And it hasn't froze since.

Clearly something on my Multimedia V-LAN is flooding the host. I'm going have to do some trouble shooting to see which device(s) are the cultprit(s). Because I've integrated the Habitat with HomeKit, they both need to be on the same network.

It's going to be a slow and painful process but I will eventually report back with my findings in the hopes it will prevent someone else from going through the same frustration I have.

I think it's noteworthy that I keep pretty tight control over what lives on my Multimedia network. You can't just plug into the network and get an address as I require MAC addresses of each device be registered. Also, things like security cameras are explicitly blocked from accessing the WAN. I've got a couple Synology NAS devices, some Apple TVs, tablets, game consoles, etc. No gray market devices pirate streaming devices, no bit torrent, etc. (it's blocked at the firewall). Desktop PCs and Laptops are on a separate / isolated network.

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I have almost all of those same devices on my LAN with no issues, as do a lot of others I'm sure. Jumbo frames is the most likely culprit. Is it possible there is a client configured for jumbo frames and they are sending out a multicast which was making it to the hub? Not sure if there is a way to put the Hub back on the correct VLAN but block any jumbo frames from making it through its switch port?


And unfortunately not addressed in C8

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7 posts were split to a new topic: Cloud connectivity issues

:+1: Will do, but freezing of Cloud Dashboards is not the only problem, I´m having also freezing hub problems.
Thanks for your suggestion

Great suggestion - Thank you! I never thought of that but you're probably right. When I disabled jumbo packets on the Unifi controller, I probably missed some or all of the devices on the LAN that had Jumbo Packets enabled?

Will report back later...


Just wanted to provide an update and confirm that the issue has been resolved. I found a couple of devices on the vlan with Jumboframes still enabled. I disabled that setting and rebooted everything and I haven't had a single issue. While I eat crow - I'd like to thank everyone here for their suggestions.


Told You So Mic Drop GIF by FullMag


Glad you found the issue...:slight_smile:

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Its too bad the hub crashes when it sees jumbo frames, one would think it could just ignore the packets, but I really have no idea what happens at that level of hardware/firmware. Might be something with the hardware being used and they have no control over it :person_shrugging:


I have the same or a similar issue and afaik there are no jumbo frames. Only 2 zwave devices so I’ll try the factory reboot. Hoping it’s not an issue requiring a replacement of my GE/Jasco switches.

With only 2 zwave devices it probably has nothing to do with zwave at all.
If you can still access the diagnostics tool (port 8081) when it goes down then it is probably a hub issue. If the port 8081 is also unreachable it is a networking issue on your LAN.

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Can't access the diagnostic tool. I reset the network settings from static to DHCP, even though I was pretty sure I don't have a conflict. My only DNS router-wide is There are no jumbo frames. I don't have a pi-hole enabled. The logs aren't helpful.

In network settings you could try tuning on the auto reconnection option. This would help if the hub is simply getting disconnected for some reason.

As a test, if you have an old dumb 100mbps switch around you could attach the hub through that which someone else has stated would filter out any jumbo frame packets.

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I have auto reconnect set to 30s. It's been set to off before. Both settings don't seem to affect the issue.

Please send me a private message, I'd like to take a look at your hub's engineering log to make sure you are not dealing with some sort of hardware malfunction.

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