How To Remove Ghosts using hub tools or a UZB Stick

….. “simply” ….. I wish :dizzy_face:

Never had a prob dual booting on a mac...

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ok, will give this a try. Thanks.

It’s not like Macs come loaded with Windows on another partition!

just run bootcamp

I had an old license to parallels so I used that. The process worked well on my Mac and was able to pair the Zooz stick to both of my hubs running Z-Wave. I have removed all of the ghosts. What now? Sit back and enjoy my perfectly operating z-wave network?


Post your z-wave details page in it's entirety. Let's see how it looks....(there is no identifiable attributes on that page. It's just for diagnostics)

ok, here is the log from my main hub running z-wave:

and here is the second hub:


Looks good. Though you do have some devices with high route changes that could probably benefit from a couple of beaming repeaters but like I said looks good...

Thanks. I initially added the second hub several years ago in the attic as I was having issues with on/off commands being missed on the second floor. That is the second hub that has only a few devices on it. Now I am wondering if this was more an issue of the mesh vs. anything else.

I am going to watch this closely and perhaps try moving some of those devices to the main hub to see how it goes. I wouldn't mind shutting down that second hub and simplifying the setup.

I do have a handful of Aeotec repeaters that I installed mostly to get the locks to work. They are of varying ages and versions. Would more of these help or is there another recommendation for a beaming repeater?

Ghosts wreak havoc.... Another good option is to install device activity check. I get a notification at 9am if one of my battery (you can set mains based devices as well) doesn't report in. Saves a lot of time trying to track stuff down.

I do have device activity check installed - but only on batteries. I hadn't thought about using it on mains powered devices so will look into this. Thanks.

A routine check of my z-wave network as a follow-up to the work I did previously and I see this:

I am not sure what caused this as I have made any changes to the network since I cleaned up the ghosts. I am having construction done and a bunch of modules have been unplugged and on the shelf for a while and then all (I think) plugged back in.

These do show route information. Repair was unsuccessful with both. So presumably ok to remove through the process above? Thanks.

Do you have anything in your smart start cache on your phone?

Yikes - I did some searching and now know what Smart Start is, which I didn't before! But I don't know how to check this cache? Sorry, but can you give me some pointers on where to look? Thanks.

open your mobile app, click smart start and add a device and see if anything is alread in there. If there is simply hit the trash can icon and go back and remove the devices. One weird thing I have seen as well as devices that are not removed from yourhubip>>devices end up showing up again in yourhubip>>z-wave details. So if you have devices still in that list, delete them first.

When I add a new device on the app and select SmartStart it goes straight to the QR screen. So I am guessing these means nothing in the cache? As an aside I mostly use the app to connect to web interface so this is forcing me to learn all about it!

I have some questions about how using a stick periodically affects the z-wave mesh? I am just wanting to try and understand better how z-wave handles things.

Here is my situation in trying to remove two ghosts. I was able to remove one stubborn ghost using a Zooz S2 Stick 700. But the second ghost was still stubborn and then the stick itself appeared as a ghost on Hubitat (with no routing info).

Finally after a couple of attempts, I was able to remove the stick from Hubitat, but it still was available on the PC Controller, and I used that to remove the last stubborn Ghost, and Hubitat now looks all clear.

With that background, here are my questions:

1-Is there a best practice for periodic use of the stick? Just unplug it? Remove it from the mesh? Factory reset?

2-If I now factory reset the S2 Stick 700 using the the reset function on the PC Controller, how will that affect the existing mesh?

I hope that makes some sense and thanks in advance for helping me try to understand.

When you remove the stick, you want to do an exclude not just remove it.

So is the best practice for periodic use of a stick to do exclude/delete the stick and then ad the device (include) again each time?

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