HOW TO: Install Hubitat Package Manager (or any other User App)

UPDATED: July, 2022


  1. Select and copy this url:
  2. Connect to your hub
  3. In the Hubitat Menu (left pane), if you don't see "Apps Code" then click the arrows to the right of the word "Advanced"
  4. Click "Apps Code"
  5. Click the "New App" button (upper right)
  6. Click the "Import" button (top of page)
  7. In the popup, click anywhere on the text "Insert URL to Import Text into Code Editor"
  8. Paste the URL copied in Step 1 and click the Import button
  9. If you get this popup, "Are you sure you want to override the code you have in the editor?" then click OK
  10. Click the Save button (top of page)
  11. Click the hamburger bar (3 dashes, top left) to bring up the Hubitat Menu
  12. Click "Apps Code" and Hubitat Package Manager should now be in the list
  13. In the Hubitat Menu, click "Apps"
  14. Click the "Add User App" button (upper right)
  15. Click on Hubitat Package Manager in the popup to bring up the app configuration window
  16. If you have hub security enabled, click the toggle and enter your username and password
  17. Click the Done button and Hubitat Package Manager should now be in your Apps list
  18. Click on Hubitat Package Manager to use it (installation for other apps is complete at this step)
  19. Click the Next button and Hubitat Package Manager will scan your installed apps and drivers to find matches
  20. Select all apps and drivers (recommended) and follow the instructions to complete the installation
  21. [Optional but Highly Recommended] Click "Apps", then click Hubitat Package Manager and scroll to bottom, then click the PayPal button even if you can only give $1. Same goes for all the apps and driver developers here -- they deserve our tangible appreciation for their efforts!

Note: Hubitat Package Manager is often abbreviated as "HPM" in these forums.

For any other user app, substituting its URL in Step 1 and its name for "Hubitat Package Manager" should generally work. One known caveat: at Steps 15 and 19, other apps may have no configuration window or may have several of them. See specific instructions for that app.

Distilled and updated from Dummies guide to install Hubitat package manager post.


Thank you for the clearest instruction answer I have ever seen!

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@conrad4 Gonna post this on FB

Thanks guys, that's very high praise indeed :smile: Earned my :star: for the day!


Just found this when looking for a link for my new driver post. Going to use this in my driver posts to send people to who do not already have HPM.

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thank you for you help :+1: un grand merci

silly question, what is my hub security username and password? I know you do not specifically know it, but if I user my email and password, it does not work and I get an error occurred.

Let me answer your question with a question. Are you using hub security, i.e. does accessing your hub require you to enter a username and password everytime? If not leave those fields blank, and turn off the Hub Security switch; if you are prompted for them, then those are the values you need to use.


Hi All,
I'm new to the hubitat/yolink stuff.

I just tried to install the package manager following the provided directions.
But, I 'm getting an error.

Error: Cannot get property 'repositories' on null object

Any ideas on why?


It is usually a couple common reasons.

  • The first being Github seems a bit flaky sometimes, if you wait an hour or so it may work if you try again.
  • The other reason is you are probably not connected to the internet. Did you set a static IP in your hub settings? That is a very easy setting to get wrong, and putting the hub back on DHCP should fix it.

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