How many Hubitat users are keeping up with updates?

I am, as always, really appreciative of the very active Hubitat staff team for prompt updates to the platform. The latest example is when I saw today that a new Hubitat update was available with the dreaded log4j security update fix!! I know this is a big issue going on globally with mullions of devices, and seeing Hubitat team on top of it, was good to see.

That makes me wonder, how many Hubitat users are really active in updating their devices? It will be interesting data to see how much % of Hubitat users are say, on a version older than 6 months. Perhaps for fixes such as log4j, there should be a way for Hubitat to bug the user much more due to the criticality of the update.


I'm going to have to disagree there... Hubitat has been very good about not collecting a lot of telemetry data. It is actually part of their sales pitch... And I really don't care for them collecting a ton of data in the future either.

So really all they could do is put a nag on the web interface on the local hub. But that does no good if the user doesn't actually go to the hub web interface...

I'm fine with it the way it is.

Edit: That said I do believe they already can see the hub version if it's connected to their cloud (aka hub is online and not blocked from the internet). So maybe in this specific instance something could be done for alerting, but I'm still against that idea.


I do everything Hubitat tells me to do. Update? Sure. Do it! Even if it's every day.

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It would be nice if I could setup a notification on a switch to tell me when updates are available. I'm nearing the end of my journey and won't be logging in on a regular basis to check.

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You can do this using @thebearmay's Hub Information Driver.



My context for this post, is more around critical updates(maybe due to privacy/security etc. issues), which Hubitat is strongly recommending users. Not just feature/regular bug fixes. Perhaps in those cases, Hubitat may want to send email to users, that there is a critical update and recommended for users to consider upgrading.

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Using the excellent "Hub Information Driver", one of the attributes is "hubUpdateStatus". Works great!


I'm a serial updater on most of my devices, including HE. General reasons I tend to update early:

  1. Updates often contain security fixes and I'm all about keeping my stuff secure
  2. I like having new toys to play with and updates may include stuff I want to try out

I've behaved this way for decades and can count on the thumbs of one hand how many times I've actually been seriously burned by an update that went south and took significant effort to recover. Some issues that I had to address over the years, but nothing that left me feeling like I needed to change my behavior.

Only exception to this is when I'm away from home - even though I can intiate SW/FW updates via VPN and make other changes if I wanted to, I don't mess w/things unless I'm at home. And especially if I'm gone and my wife is 'Home Alone." If I took the network down remotely " would be bad..." to quote Egon. :wink:


I'll also throw out to the naysayers, updates do not break z-wave as typically there are no updates to the z-wave sdk (there has been) Updates at worst expose already existing problems. That said, I tend to upgrade when notified. What's the worst that can happen? I have to roll back?


Backups are your friend.

:point_up_2: This. 100%. Even when I was in Florida all last week for a nephew’s wedding, and the alert went out that a serious and possibly database-corrupting issue had been discovered with all prior 2.3.0.x releases, I let things run until I got back, knowing that I had a full range of downloaded prior backups available.


That's not strong enough...I LOVE my backups, I adore them, they are my snuggy-bears, my hoopie-doos, my dearests. I even have backups of my backups. Sorry, have to run, I feel the need to go hug one of my NAS.


Hmm.. Perhaps your wife is feeling neglected and needs some of that affection.


LOL She gets more than her fair share of love, devotion, and (since I've retired early and she's decided to keep working) home made latte each morning, and most meals prepared by Chef-Moi. Let's just say that we don't need to worry about her... :wink:


I update usually when I notice a new build being out. I'm in the beta program, so I run all the beta point releases, too.

I also regularly download my backups, and especially the backup before doing an update.

So far I've never yet needed to restore a backup or roll back an update. That's with almost a year and a half of my C-7 being the active critical automation platform for the house (e.g., it runs things my wife depends upon).

That's funny; I'm in the same position.


Eh I update when I want to update, and I don't want them emailing me about it - even when they think the update is critical.

Others may feel differently though.

I'm always okay with any communication, as long as it is opt out by default. :slight_smile:


Historically, I am not a frequent updater. At least not right away. I have crashed many a system over the years by doing updates as soon as they are released. So unless it is CRITICAL, I give things a little while before jumping on the update train.

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Sorry if this has already been said....but, I'd gladly update every instance of an update being applicable to JUST the security aspect of THE version I'm running.

But if I'm not in a position to deal with some hiccup from a still being vetted update that touches A LOT of the nooks & crannies of HE, then no...I'm no longer in any rush to update.... even if it's an important security change on top of all the rest.

Dunno about you guys, but coming from the Vera (MICasaVerde) platform, where firmware updates were rare unicorns – that occurred maybe once every other year – I find it a privilege to receive regular updates and install them. Instead of counting on the new UI to brick my hub (this was incredibly common back on Vera/ezlo) or create mystery problems, I feel extraordinarily confident with Hubitat's releases.

In nearly every instance, some glitch or "bug" (I know Bruce hates when I file those reports!) gets rectified, or new feature added, or workflow made more streamlined. All of it working in my favor, never once (so far) requiring me to reboot or reinstall anything.


+1. We are all big boys/girls here.


What do you mean?