How can I set GE Enbrighten ZW+ Dimmer No Fade

Hey guys,

Edit: When I use Alexa to set a level it's instant with no fade.

Is there a rule that will allow me to remove the fade from the dimmer switch? Maybe allowing it for a double tap and long press. Since it's the kitchen I want instant on and off ability.

I couldn't find one when I searched so if someone can either point me to it let me know if it's even possible. I don't see an option for Fade Time in the driver options.

Thank you

If this is one of the Z-wave+ dimmers, then I'd recommend that you use @JasonJoel's excellent driver. It has a setting to turn a dimmer into a switch, which is very convenient.

Also, the "Enable Alternate Exclusion..." option next to the On/Off switch option provides faster status reporting.

Found here...

And if you have any GE/UltraPro/Jasco Z-Wave+ switches his switch driver is here:

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Thank you. That will do the trick.

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This are actually the drivers I have. How do I get to the screen you posted?

I don't seem to have the same preferences as you.

After choosing the new driver and clicking on "Save Device" you have to hit the "Configure" button at the top of the device page, and you may have to refresh the page. Then the new information and options should appear:

2023-12-02 11_11_11-Hubs, Network, & Tech


Thanks.. I figured it out. I was using the standard version and not the plus.. Have a great weekend

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Glad you're sorted.

I will take that advice seriously. :slight_smile:

I just tried that on one of mine.
It removes the capability of dimming at the switch and does make it just on and off.
Is the default of FAST in going to a set level really that slow? I don't think so.
It does "turn off" slow, though, but I don't think losing dimming at the switch is worth it.

I should probably change the initial request on this because I don't want to lose the dimmer functionality.

Alexa does change the light level with no fade, when asked to set at a specific percentage. When asked to turn on and off the fade resumes. I can check the logs to see what commands are being issued.

And that's what makes horse races. :slight_smile: I use it on dimmers that I never want to try to dim.

That is an important caveat :wink:

You can turn off the feature and try this set to fast:

I've tried that but my adhd and ocd are both saying "Nah dude.. Not in the kitchen."

So demanding these two are. Haha

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I don't blame you, I blame your insufficient consumption of Molly, which would easily resolve your OCD. :wink:

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I just solved your problem.
I use Simple Automation.
A push up turns it on and a push up turns it off.
Held up increases brightness, held down, decreases, just as it should.

This did the trick Velvet.

For some reason it still got a little bit of fade when push to off but I'm fine with that as long as it's instant on which it is.

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Haha I did my share in college. I'm older now and don't know "a guy" since I moved to Charlotte.

I didn't notice the perfectionism as much till I bought a house and learned to be crafty.

You should see me when I'm installing anything that needs to be centered or leveled... My dad was an engineer for Pratt & Whitney.. We were installing wall racks in the garage. I was leveling and he said it's good enough.. I said not yet and that I should have been an engineer. He said they would have thrown me out lol. I then bought a laser level :wink:

Now to update my user name.

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Words from a wise man... :wink: I have alwys felt dad's always know best, ever since I became one.

Excellent. I assume you're thinking something like "Hubi-OCD." :smiley:


Hahahaha... Sold.


How you like me now :point_up::grin:


That's a hoot!

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