Honeywell T6: Thermostat Controller not showing "Controlled" & odd behavior

C7, current release,

I removed and re-setup my T6 thermostat in Thermostat Controller today and a couple of odd behaviors that I don't remember happening when I used it previously:

  1. Long delay between setting "Controlled" in the Thermostat Controller app and the app showing "Controlled" on the Apps page
  2. App listing reverting to showing "Free" on the apps page
  3. The controlled thermostat doesn't show up in the Thermostat Scheduler app

Thermostat Controller App showing Controlled setting:

Apps page showing free - this persisted for several minutes before flipping over to Controlled.
2022-01-06 09_13_17-Apps

I updated the name of the thermostat controller and when I did that it flipped back to "Free" again on the apps page.
2022-01-06 09_39_37-Apps

It eventually returned to controlled.

2022-01-06 09_42_48-Apps

Then I went back into the controller app to look at my settings, didn't change anything, and hit "Done" to return to the apps list and the controller reverted to showing "Free" again. Been a few minutes and it's still showing "Free." This issue is repeatable...the controller eventually shows "Controlled" on the apps listing, but if you go into the app, do nothing, and hit "Done" the display on the apps listing reverts to "Free again."

When the app did show "Controlled", I also don't have an option to select the controlled thermostat in the Thermostat Scheduler app - it only shows the actual T6 Thermostat device, a Zen thermostat I also have, and a virtual and "null" device. If I remember correctly the Thermostat Controller should show up in the drop-down of the Scheduler app, correct?

The "Null Controller" option only shows up after the Thermostat Controller app is installed, whether it is configured or not.

On my second hub I checked:

Thermostat Controller not installed - no thermostat option (this hub doesn't have any thermostats):

Thermostat Controller installed (whether configured or not) - "Null" device appears:

Just seems like this is behaving very strangely...just me?

Update - rebooted my hub and the controller app is still showing as "Free" on the apps listing page.

I can control the thermostat from its device page, just changed the heat set point. So connectivity is good. @bravenel ?

Yeah, there's a bug with how it starts up. Fix in next release.


Did this get fixed? I’m on with a C7 hub and a T6 thermostat and i cannot get the app to control the thermostat.

What driver are you using?

I’ve tried both the standard one and the [Advanced Honeywell T6 Pro Thermostat from djdizzyd

Use the one from HPM that @thebearmay currently maintains. (advanced) Make sure after it's installed you click configure on the device page)

Looks like that was actually the one i was on, unfortunately.

To add an extra data point, i can seem to control the fan but cannot change temperature or modes. And like the earlier report, the controller never changes to “controlled.” If i do set a temp that is supposed to do something starts reporting that it is heating/cooling in the controller without changing the actual thermostat. Commands directly to the thermostat or physically work fine.

Well, i figured it out while playing around. Not sure if it’s a bug or just as planned but including the steps for anyone else.

Changing to “controlled” in the child device page doesn’t change anything. But if you change it to controlled in the smart app then everything seems to work. Subsequent changes to temp and modes in the child device then seem to work!

His is more updated. He took it over. (You can compare versions by looking at the top of the driver in the driver's code section. If you need something fixed, post here and @thebearmay will chime in

Got it, thanks! I think the big is in the thermostat controller since it doesn’t respect the Control command from the child device, only the app.

Thanks for the help!

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Tagging @bravenel to confirm if this is as-designed.

The pair of commands in the device, control and free, do indeed set the app accordingly.

However, these commands should probably not even be there, as the condition of being controlled or free belongs to the controlled thermostat, not the controller thermostat.

This will be fixed in the next release.