HomeKit “No Response”, any resolution?

Title says it all.
I frequently, every couple of days and sometimes multiple times a day, have to reboot my C8 in order to get the Home app to see and control the status of my devices.
Has anyone figured out what the issue is and how to fix it?

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Please share details of your particular setup.

  • What model Hubitat Hub?
  • What version of Hubitat firmware is running on your hub?
  • Are you using an Apple TV or Apple HomePod as an "Apple Home Hub" device? If yes, what version of TvOS or HomePodOS is running?
  • What model iPhone or iPad are you using? What version of iOS or iPadOS are you running?
  • What type of Home Network equipment are you using? What is your network topology? Are you using MESH WIFI nodes? Are you using VLANs?
  • When you observe "No Response" in Apple Home, is your iPhone/iPad connected directly to your home WiFi network? Or does this only occur when you are away from home or when using Cellular Data instead of WiFi?
  • When the "No Response" issue occurs, is it ONLY Hubitat devices that have this issue? Or do other HomeKit devices paired with your Apple Home also exhibit the same behavior?
  • How many Hubitat devices are you sharing with Apple Home via Hubitat's built-in HomeKit integration?

There are quite a few things that can cause the type of Apple Home "No Response" issue you've observed. Hopefully by providing some additional information, the root cause of the issue will become more obvious.


I used to get this when I first setup a Homebridge server. Two things fixed that setup for me. First was moving the HB server to ethernet connection instead of Wifi. Second was adding a Homepod Mini as a home hub. I am still using Homebridge since it works great and I use the server for a few other things I have no desire to move to the built in integration app.

Following. I have the same exact issue. Every few days, “no response” in all Apple Homekit devices. Reboot C-7 hub, all good for a few more days.

AppleTV 4K (2023) - Latest tvOS
Hubitat C-7 - Latest FW
iPhone 14 Pro - Latest iOS

Both devices wired to basic switch and router with DHCP res, same subnet, no VLAN.

When this occurs it’s only the Hubitat devices that break. I also have camera feeds that are bridged with Scrypted which still work fine.

29 Hubitat devices shared, 1 Front Door Lock, 1 Garage Door, 1 Water Valve w/ 2 Sensors, and the rest are lights/switches.

Have you tried turning on the "Restart Hourly" setting at the bottom of the integration app settings?

Does not seem to effect the issue. I currently have it on, but was off for a long time before.

See above.

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Sorry for my typo - "MES WIFI nodes" should have been "MESH WiFi Nodes.

You mentioned that you're using a Linksys Mesh WiFi system. Are all of the Linksys devices hard-wired back to the manin Linksys node that performs "router duties"? Or, are they using WiFi to connect to one another?

This is just more out of curiosity, as it sounds like only your Hubitat devices that are connected via HomeKit are the ones that go unresponsive.

I still have HomeBridge running on a Raspberry Pi which I use to bring most of my Hubitat devices into Apple Home. I had this set up prior to Hubitat adding HomeKit support to the HE Hub. I have since added a few Hubitat virtual presence sensor devices using the Hubitat HomeKit integration. These are used to take advantage of Apple Home's geofencing capabilities. They have always been very reliable. Thus, I wonder if the issue may have something to do with the number of HE devices that are being shared to Apple Home via the HE HomeKit built-in integration? Would it be possible to try to reduce the number of devices temporarily to see if that makes any difference?

Another troubleshooting step, just to see if it would have any effect on resolving the issue... Have you tried rebooting the Apple HomePod and AppleTV devices WITHOUT rebooting the HE C8 hub? How about rebooting the Linksys network nodes WITHOUT rebooting the HE C8 hub? Just trying to understand if rebooting the HE hub is the only way to get the communications flowing again, or not... :thinking:

One more question - how do you have the C8 TCP/IP networking configured? Are you using DHCP to assign the C8 an IP address? Have you configured your router's DHCP server to always provide the C8 hub the same IP address? Is the C8 network speed set to AUTO or 100Mbps? Sometimes changing this will improve the Hub's network connectivity significantly.

I’m sharing 127 devices on one C-8 and 31 on another and never have issues with devices going unresponsive. I’m also using a Linksys Velop mesh (2X MX5300 connected via Ethernet). The op’s issue might be one for @gopher.ny to look into.

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Clearly I’m not the only one with this issue.
I am away from home for a while so I can’t try much experimenting.
MESH network is hardwired between units.
HE is on fixed IP.
I had a couple of test devices shared from my C7 to the same home and they never suffered this issue.

Suspicion was that HE was sending HomeKit some “out of range” value and HomeKit reacted by quarantining the HE bridge.
I have looked at logs but have found nothing. Maybe it is not the issue or maybe I am just not logging the right stuff.

There is NO logging out of the app.

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I wonder if there is some quirk of Hubitat's mDNS implementation that causes issues for some people.

In another attempt to gather information, try restarting just the router to see if that 'fixes' the issue.

I have no issues with hubC8.local type addressing.

I now know how many devices I share because I just opened home and got a “71 devices are not responding “ message.

Installing 2.3.9 now. Don’t expect anything from this release on this issue, but it is a reboot :innocent:

My statement was more general, about the overall mDNS implementation. Apple Home uses a lot of mDNS functionality. The .local works in a non-standard way for me. The .local address works, but immediately changes to the ip address. I've never had issues with the Hubitat Apple HomeKit app.

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Same as Tarman. It’s been on and doesn’t seem to make a difference.

I have the same issue, given up resetting and just use HomeKit to stream my cameras. Resetting HE does not fix it. My last fix (following advice on another thread) was to unplug Apple TV, Google Home Devices and Hubitat. Then restart Google devices, wait 5 minutes for them to get on the network and then restart Apple TV and finally fire up Hubitat. The fix lasted for a day or so, can’t be bothered doing it all again.

We may have different causes for the problem. Rebooting (not resetting) HE resolves it for me.
But it always returns, eventually.
We need some debugging capabilities to figure this out.

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I removed two temperature sensors and the battery attributes from my garage door opener and my leak sensors from the HomeKit integration and so far I have had no “no response” issues. I was getting them every day recently.
I will report after a few days or at next issue.


Check through the event history on those devices and see if they posted anything that looks invalid. null would be one possible issue. Anything non-numerical if it should be a number, etc...

Oh well, I’ll have to keep selectively removing. Woke up this morning to “no response”.

Has @gopher.ny looked at your hub’s engineering logs for clues? He might be able to see what is causing communication to stop if it’s a HE software problem.