[Deprecated] Hampton Bay Zigbee Fan Controller Driver (with Component Devices)

Can you post a screenshot of the device page of one of the child devices?

I think I see the problem. Can you turn the device pictured above on and then off. Then refresh the page. Hopefully current state shows a value.

Current state doesn't seem to be updating on any of the child devices, only the parent.

I tried recreating the children and still no go on current state updating.

Correction, the light child will give me current state. None of the fan speeds will.

Same issue that you had here? Error 500: A Server error has occurred

And the fan light is responding to on/off commands from its device page?

Yes, it is. The fan changing speeds when I use the child devices as well.

Hmmm..and you are running the latest Hubitat firmware correct?


And the parent device shows the correct status:

Only thing left I can think of is to hit the configure button in the controller parent again and test. If the fan is changing speeds it should report that event back to the hub, which would then update the state.

Just went back to the parent and clicked "configure". Fan speed child devices still not showing anything for current states.

Ok..guess I'll have to review the code tomorrow and see if there is anything I'm missing on my end. If you have time tonight, open a separate window with the logs and toggle the various devices. Let me know if you see any errors. Also rebooting the hub and power cycling the fan (at the physical switch) can't hurt at this point.

I need to sign off for tonight but I'll look into it more tomorrow.

I've had logs open the whole time, no errors and logs show the devices doing what I want. I've also power cycled the hub, not the fan yet. I'll do that before heading to sleep now.

Just power cycled the fan, no change.

Just wanted to add, for those that don't know. Hampton Bay now has 8 different fans now that come with this controller. Ranging from $120 to the original $200 Gardinier one. They now also seem to be maintaining constant stock of just the controller.


I ordered 3 of the fans that Home Depot now offers as "WINK capable" (from the link I shared before). They come shipped in 2 separate boxes per fan. You get the "regular" fan and then the Hampton Bay Remote kit. lol

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Just an FYI, the built in driver has some changes to this device, all with backwards compatibility. You can now send any of these values to Set Speed.

The word or number will set the corresponding speed: (not case-sensitive)
0 = off
1 = low
2 = medium-low
3 = medium or med
4 = high
5 = on
6 = auto

If you use a number between 7-100 it will set the speed to the closest to 1/4 percent.

Ranges are:
7 - 37 = 25% or low
38 - 62 = 50% of medium-low
63 - 87 = 75% or medium
88 - 100 = 100% or high

If you enable component devices via the toggle, it will create a Light device and a Fan device. (You can rename them in each of the devices' settings page). The Light device will act just as any light device with a dimmer. The Fan device will support Set Speed, and Set Level. Anything sending a value to setLevel will be translated to Set Speed for you. So you can say things like "Alexa set the [device name] to high" (and she will set the speed to 100%) or you can use a number as well.

In component mode the parent controller device will work just as before except on and off will turn both component devices on and off.


Awesome news!!
One less driver I have to manage and I love the flexibility.

Would it be possible to add the cycle command (or something similar)?
I ask on behalf of @ogiewon since this was a feature request that I recently added to my custom driver and ABC Button Controller app.:wink:

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Since it uses setLevel for the Fan, you could just increase or decrease the value by 25. So the button press would be up or down in either direction instead of a cycle.

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