@danabw @BorrisTheCat @SteveZed
I wanted to share an update to this post as I've received a response from the Hubitat Devs:
Regarding the Google Home integration issue (not being able to re-connect back to Google Home) is a known bug via Google and to resolve the issue can be found here: Google home app - #2 by helene7t7
Regarding the bulbs not being able to be added from Hubtiat to Google Home.. I received a blanketed response from the dev with really no reply. But, if I were guess my best guess... it is that Hubitat doesn't pass HueGroups with White Bulbs only to Google Home. Hubitat only passes RGB bulbs. I tested a test group with an RGB bulb and White bulb and Google Home would not accept it. The moment I removed the White Only bulb, the group passed to Google Home. Here's the response I received from the dev:
"I am glad that at least your Google Home Integration problem was resolved. The other issue you reported has been referred to our engineering team. Please note that we will reach out to you if additional details about this incident are needed.
Thanks again for your feedback,"