Google Home broken on HE > v2.3.7.146

Good afternoon, My Google Home App on HE stopped working/updating back in ~October. Similar to the issues mentioned here:

I've been troubleshooting my IP and DHCP settings ever since because I thought that's what broke it since that was the last thing I changed around that time. I finally got everything working again but I ended up downgrading to platform from the HE diagnostic tool. After downgrading everything started working again. I even tried upgrading to the latest afterwards to make sure it wasn't just a corrupt db but everything broke again so it seems to be an issue with the platform version. Is this a known issue? I don't really want to stay pinned to an old version for too long. Were there oauth changes to the HE Google Home App in the past few months?

Not what you want to hear I'm afraid but I'm on and everything is still working for me.
Admittedly I haven't changed anything for some time as I've had no need to but it's all working OK for me. :man_shrugging:

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Other than the inevitable occaisional glitches on Google's end of things, I haven't had any issues on 2.3.8, 2.3.9, or in the current 2.4.0 beta.

ETA -- do you have any fans integrated? Those seem to have caused people some issues lately with Google.

I think that was it! I have the bond integration with fans. I unshared them from HE Google Home and that fixed it! So there is a recent HE Google Home or Bond Integration change that doesn't like fans?

Edit: I tried just sharing the fan lights with the bond integration app but the problem comes back. So it's probably a Bond app problem vs a Google home problem?

Looks like there is an open issue in github for the exact issue I have.

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I've forever just used Google Home's own Bond integration (instead of bringing it into Google though Hubitat), so I haven't been affected by this. But yeah, it definitely seems like an odd issue. IIRC, Hubitat staff is aware of it, but I don't know where it stands in their priority list.

That's how I had it setup for about a year! Now that I'm building out my automations, I noticed I have a lot more control using scenes, rule machine and event engine than google home app. so I end up need unlinking the bond app in google home and recreating the devices with HE Bond integration and then sending those devices to Google Home so I could maintain voice control. It was working exactly the way I wanted up until about 2 months ago :frowning:

I am still having all these issues no bond integration but I use zigbee Hampton Bay fan controllers