There's a lot of different sticks available... I have a preference for the Aeon Z-Stick. I have the Gen 5 but I just saw today that they have a 7 series but it's not released yet.
It's benefit is that it has a use the day after you fix the Ghost issue... It has an internal battery and a Button to put it into Include or press longer, into Exclude. This makes for a GREAT way to migrate or to 'force' an exclude. It's portable.. you can walk to your stubborn device, put the stick into Exclude and then start the exclude on the physical device. Being close and having the blinking colored lights makes it a breeze to use. I suspect that no one who's ever bought one, regrets the purchase.
The SiLabs PC Controller software is 'free' but you have to create a login to the site.
You may want to look at:
If you consider a Zniffer path, you have to realize that once you flash it to ZNiffer code, you can't easily go back. I would absolutely not do that to the Aeon, because of its extreme value in it's native feature set.
All of that extra thinking has lead me to own 4 Zwave USB Sticks... Each dedicated to a specific function. I have 4 Hubitat Hubs with ZWave enabled plus a SmartThings hub. So I have a LOT of Zwave Meshes to join/monitor. -- Don't be me.