First impression

I would like to share my feedback about my feeling how HE (for me) works so far.
I am a Hubitat Elevation owner for several days. Previously, I used openhab, but I wanted to have something that would allow me to better and easier automate home devices. I watched Hubitat ads, simple, easy, local, click, click ... and you are happy :wink: and I chose this device. I have in home Philips hue system with few dimmers, motions sensors etc., fibaro flood sensor and fibaro smoke sensor. After a few days of configuration, reading many threads ... and frustrations. I could not properly configure almost any own device. HE Philips hue integration see only bulbs, nothing alse, fibaro smoke sensor doesn't change state, at the end of the day I have ONE property working device in the home automation system (fibaro flood sensor). I think its a bit too little to automate home. So I tried to add Philips hue in openhab, and ... hub discovered all devices, motion sensors, dimmers, bulbs, etc. Each device have property working and got tons of parameters (battery level, low battery warning, illuminance, motion, temperature, temper alarm, etc...) . My first feeling ... I feel a little disappointed, and feel that the actual situation is slightly different from the published presentation.
Best Regards

Welcome to the community. Sorry to hear that. I don't have Hue but I believe you can pair your devices directly to Hubitat with the exception of the bulbs because in Hue bridge they use ZLL and in HE hub they change to ZHA zigbee protocol converting the bulbs to the worst repeaters ever, so the recommendation is leaving the bulbs in the Hue bridge. Keep reading. Good luck.

To be fair and maintain a fair comparison, OpenHAB (which I've also used), has literally hundreds of developers working on integrations and such from all over the world because it's an open source platform. Same goes with Home Assistant. But, their rule engines basically require a programmer to decipher and use.

Hubitat has (I think) around 6 or 7 people total with about 2 dozen (or so) people in the community writing custom drivers and apps. The 6 or 7 HE employees also take hours out of their day to answer us in the community, plus support tickets, etc. They go above and beyond to help people. I can't say the same about the OpenHAB community at all.

With all that said, I have over 100 various devices that I have integrated flawlessly with HE that I could only get a portion of to work with OpenHAB.


I have 3 Hue RGBW lightstrips and these are paired to the Hue Bridge and the Hue Bridge is linked to the HE hub using the stock Hue Bridge integration. It works flawlessly for me.
I also have a Hue motion sensor connected directly to the HE hub.
Give it a try.

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"...But, their rule engines basically require a programmer to decipher and use..." and that's why I was looking for other solution.
I understand that HE supports less ppl but this solution is not free so please understand that if someone who bought this solution may have some minimal expectations...
Maybe its worth to try a different approach and create a base of equipment that works for sure with HA, some recomendation base ex. buy this and this in pair for automate ex. lights.
If you got 100 devices could you share product list which devices work without problems?

I have both Hue bulbs and dimmers. I have the Hue bulbs connected to HE through the Hue hub but I have the dimmers paired directly to the HE hub. It opens additional capabilities that you wouldn't have if the dimmers were connected through the Hue hub. I can't directly speak to the motion sensors, but I imagine, paired directly to HE you should have the functionality to use across HE automations.

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Docs has a list:

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Basically all my devices (aside from some things like Sonoffs and such) are in the compatible devices wiki. When I first got into HE, I did a LOT of reading about what's compatible, what works well for people and what doesn't. After coming over from SmartThings/Home Assistant/OpenHAB, I had a complete list of my device types and I did end up removing some things that were known "offenders": OSRAM lights being the top of that list.

I make it a point now to ONLY buy devices that I know are 100% complainant with HE or that I can integrate in other ways (external tools and such).

Anyhow, welcome to the community and I'm sorry if it seems as if I came off as rude; That isn't my intent at all and please know that there are MANY people here who will help you out with pretty much any device you are having issues with.


Maybe this wasn't my best start in this forum, so pls forgive. Maybe I should better prepare before buying several "smart" devices.

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Everyone who has started to automate their home has a box of devices that didn't work out in some way. The forums are littered with those folks. You can never tell what gotchas will turn up and you must be prepared to make u-turns. Over the next 10 years, you will likely make many changes to how you do things with regards to automating your home. Have fun.

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MarcinO sorry for your bad experience with HE. I am new not just on Hubitat but with automation world as well.

I purchased my HE hub and just some color bulbs, dimmers, switchs, buttons, striplights to start. The only difference with you I think is that I studied the list of supported devices carefully before to make a buying decision. I asked a friend on this community (vjv) his thoughts about my project and he gave me some tips how to improve it and suggested some other brand devices as well.

Now I have everything working, all devides paired, rules working fine (I just faced some issues with Motion Lights App using some GE dimmers but with Rule machine they work fine).

So my friend I encorage you to review the supported devices and check if your network topology is right, maybe the problem is not HE but a network desing issue, I don't know... I'm just saying is impossible HE works fine for us and not for you.

Please ask here... there thousands of colegues willing to help.


Please understand me correctly, my impressions are not negative. HE is great device, with lots of possibilities, but maybe I just may have suggested ads too much, and all I wanted to say is that my first impressions differ from the presented image, that's all.
Yesterday I finally bind all philips devices, bulbs are now connected to philips hue bridge, switches/dimmers and motions to HE. Ive created simple rules and everything works great. All problems Ive got was on binding state, sometimes I had to do binding ab. 10 times (removing battery, setup key, etc...) to discover device in HE. I read a little about zigbee protocol and sometimes ppl say that it could apear some interference with wifi frequency, with many wifi networks around. I live in the city center, and in the evening (moment when I tried to bind HE) works ab. 31 wifi networks), maybe that was a problem ... dont know, now all its working fine.
Thank you for your kind words.


So happy to know that Marcin0 !!

I sympathize with the users here who are struggling to make Hubitat work. Personally I want Hubitat to succeed since I chose their platform after a lot of research and made the investment in their hub. There weakest link in my opinion is their documentation. Developers are notorious for being bad writers of documentation and the Hubitat documentation supports that. That's why there is a cottage industry of professional documentation writers and Hubitat needs to hire one ASAP if they have any hope of ever becoming more than a fringe product for geeks and while I don't consider myself a geek I'm close.

Back in the day when I wrote programs for others I was able to talk with users face to face and trust me when I say the average user thinks a lot differently than the typical coder. Things that make perfect sense to the coder can make absolutely no sense to a typical user.

The developers need to give a hub along with the available documentation to their nearest relative or friend who has no experience with such systems or coding or tech in general and see how far they can get in getting a functional system up and running on their own. And when they can't pay special attention to the questions they ask and what confuses them about the UI and then improve the UI and revise the documentation so that in the end they can give a hub and the documentation to someone with no experience with such systems and that person can get a system up and running in a short period of time without having to ask for help.

Right now Hubitat is in a race with other similar products. They seem to be concentrating on adding devices and features with little if any thought given to the UI or the documentation. The history of tech is littered with great products that failed due to lack of marketing or they were to difficult for the average consumer to use. I hope Humitat does not turn out to be one of those products.

I would be interested in how you would want to define success. What would be the scope of "a system" to be implemented by the ordinary individual?