Firmware update for null failed

Getting this on one of my hubs. I have rebooted it. Any suggestions?

Hub is a C-8 running

Here was my journey:

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So it appears there is no solution.

I solved mine.

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Ah, I see that now. I'll try that when I get back to that location. However, I am not seeing the same message time-stame alignment as you did.

And here is's been happening for a while and there appears to be no fix, so I just ignore these messages.

How about going to zigbee settings and doing a sort on last seen, or whatever it's called, and see if any devices aren't communicating. I found a centralite outlet and unplugged/plugged it back in, and that cleared it up.

Thanks. I think I have already discovered the culprit. I'm just not where I can fix it.


Still would be nice if the system could be more explicit about what device the messages are intended for...


It's like you have be part Sherlock Holmes.


On a lot of coke.


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