Finally emptied my Hue Bridge

I don't have a lot of Hue bulbs, less than a dozen. I use Z-Wave switches where possible. And I have many Sengled bulbs specifically because they dont repeat. The RGBgenie Zigbee LED controllers I have (a half dozen) have a huge internal antenna and are actually outstanding repeaters. Took them off Hue and added them to Hubitat first. Then I added the bulbs. So I think the order I did it is important. Bruce's comment on the show last night gave me that idea. The speed improvement over the bridge is noticable. I only use Hue white bulbs where I want touch link (sorry Mike) like in the bedrooms. The remotes work instantly. Overall I couldn't be happier. Should have done it months ago.

As for scenes... well, I haven't set them up yet. So cant comment on that.

Options are good!


Just wait until the first time your hub reboots or locks up for a few minutes or you have a power outage. When your hub comes back up and your zigbee "self heals" and all of your existing devices take new routes through your Hue lights you are going to wish you kept them on Hue. I speak from experience here. I had a bunch of cree bulbs connected to Hubitat directly. No problems at all until my hub was offline for 2 hours one day. When it cam back up none of my Iris V2 motion sensors or contact sensors would report. NONE of them. They all went through the Crees as repeaters after the hub came back up.

So, you might think you're fine now...but it could fall apart. It did for me.

I wish Zigbee had the repeating characteristics of Z-wave and Z-wave had the color characteristics of Zigbee. Oh to have the perfect world.




Crees and GE links are the absolute worst, then Osram, then Hue...
But, stick them all and nothing else on another hub (minus the Cree and Links as they are worth less than the cardboard they shipped with..), and the world is a happy place again...

I had more issues when I had Osrams then the Cree's by far. The Sengleds have been solid though.

well yeah, it's pretty difficult to be a crap router when you aren't one...

I wish they had a more sophisticated level and color cluster implementation, not much to tweak with them.

Exactly the reason I bought them because all bulbs are horrible repeaters.

Yeah I agree on this, although I do not have many bulbs in the house mostly dimmers.

I bought them back when I was on "another platform" and I'm cheap, so I can't throw anything working out. Currently they are on the back porch and through a hue hub. If I get 100% failure it's no big deal. I WISH they would die so i could throw them out. But the damn things won't die. They also dim a lot lower than the Sengled so they're good where I just want a tiny bit of light.


You got your HUE bulb on HE ? How ?

Generic Zigbee RGBW driver

Damn I didn't know you could do that... HUE is ZLL

I've got one on my porch with a spider colony inside the bulb, yet the damn thing still comes on at sunset every day. lol

I've got 20 some Hue Lights, RGB and RGBW strips, Blooms, Lux bulbs and Living Colors, mixed in with Ikea bulbs, Osram CT fixtures and Osram RGBW, and a few Auduro CT bulbs, all happily coexisting on a dedicated HE...

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Holy â– â– â– â– .... How did I miss all this ? I feel like I just walked out of the stone age....

Do I have to reset the HUE bulbs in any special way to get them on HE ?

Mostly yes, I've had success deleting via the Hue app and pairing directly, but if that doesn't work they need a factory reset...
I use a no longer available Lutron Bulb remote for this, but there are many other devices that can reset a ZLL touchlink bulb...

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My color ones I had to reset after I removed them from the hub, my single color ones I didn't. And you must be a recovering ST user thinking you needed some special device handler and some tinkering....

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I had a few Cree bulbs "fall off" my dedicated bulb hub, so either I have really bad luck or they're so bad they don't even do a good job for themselves. Luckily, they've been solid for me when on a Hue Bridge network, where I moved them all back to as they fell off.

Not really -- HUE isn't on any TODO list because it just works. Second I didn't know that HE was supporting ZLL now.