Fibaro FGK-101 reports state change in debug but otherwise nothing

That all SOUNDS like it's great information.. Unfortunately I dont have enough knowledge about the zwave protocol or writing device handlers for hubitat to make use of it. I'm not beyond or opposed to learning that stuff to do something about it, but I've never found any resources really teaching the troubleshooting techniques for ZW at this level. If you know of any, I'd love to get up to speed on this - I feel like I'm flying blind when zwave stuff doesn't work, and I just end up adding a repeater swich here or there around the house rather than being able to diagnose the real issue, and I know that sort of approach can do more damage than good when things aren't right!

With the "nonstandard association scheme" is it likely then that I should be able to change the hubitat handler after it's at least associated, and get it working, or does "nonstandard" mean it'll probably never be right?

Thanks for the info.. I'll have to dig further into your comment after work when I have more time tonight. Ironically the device is sitting about 5 inches from my hand still as I type this even though I had given up on it months ago.. I'd love to get it working!!

I am sorry I couldn't be of more help, I am new to Hubitat but old to Z-Wave so got a little into the technical weeds there :smiley:

I have looked around in here and it seems there are two approached to handle this problem:

  1. Adapt a driver to react to the Basic Set the sensor sends by default. There is a driver port from ST mentioned here that seeks to do that, but I have not been able to get it to work properly. Debug logs are reporting a null pointer read in line 175 on the state object.

  2. Configure the association groups as I did to have the sensor emit binary sensor and temperature readings to the hub. This is typically something Z-Wave installer tools and some handheld controllers can do. As I haven't really dived into the Hubitat architecture yet I am not sure how to do this with HE. But looking at the open source drivers code and a quick search in the developer docs it looks like one should be able to use hubitat.zwave.commands.associationv1.AssociationSet. This command would take two parameters, in this case group should be 3 and destination node should be 1 according to the 101 manual

I don't know how to do any of that (yet) but I will try and take a look at that last approach myself as I would like to also get the temperatures that the built in Fibaro drivers supposedly deliver (I am using the generic open/close sensor as of now)/
For that it would be exceedingly helpful if one could see the source code for the built in drivers, but I can't find any public repos containing that. If anyone knows anything about that I would appreciate a pointer :heart:

I figured out a way to this from within the Hubitat user interface.
If you open a Z-Wave device in the admin portal there is an un-conspicuous looking button named Advanced. If you click on that you will see a prompt from where you can send arbitrary Z-Wave commands to the device.
If you enter 85 01 03 01 and click the send button (make sure the sensor is awake) it will add the hub (Node 1) to association group 3. This should in turn cause the sensor to send sensor reports and, if available, temperature reports via Z-Wave. ( I still have not looked into getting Hubitat to ingest the temperature reports, but I suspect you can verify it by changing the sensors device type in the Hubitat UI to a temperature sensor temporarily)

Here is what the numbers mean in case you want to do associations in other groups and to other devices ( I tested this by associating one of my switches to another switch )
B1: Command class (Association = 0x85)
B2: Command (SET = 0x01, you can use REMOVE=0x04 if you need to change something)
B3: Association Group number
B4: Destination Node ID (Hub should be 1 unless you have it set up as a secondary controller in the Z-Wave NW which is highly unlikely)

Hope this is useful.


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