Favorite Motion Sensor?

I have two Hue motion sensors that work fine and were migrated from C7 to C8 without issue... purchased two new Hues (Costco) and they refuse to work after pairing to the C8. Tried multiple ways to pair... near hub, near a zigbee outlet (far from hub) but nothing works. They pair ok initially but then immediately stop reporting motion

I understand, I know some folks had issues with the Gen 2 devices even on the C7. Somehow, I managed to escape the aggravation.

My most recent motion sensor purchases have been Third Reality. They are not as bulky and work with less drama.

Fortunately, Costco has a great return policy.

Amen to that!

I haven't had your problem with mine but, any chance there is an outstanding firmware update from Philips for your sensors?
My routine for updating Hue devices is to use my Hue Hub/Bridge but it's also possible to update Hue devices using your Hubitat hub.

I've clicked on the update firmware button in Hubitat but I'm not sure it does anything

Check your device page, Device Details should show you the firmware version:

Hue Motion


If it's not current (6BB7) then have a look here:

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All I have is this:

Using a lot of different motion sensors in my house.
So far the new favorite are the Aqara FP1
The GE Jasco motion switches have 1 or 2 of those in every room.

Overall finding the best results using a combination of more than one motion sensor in each area.


I don't have any SML003s so can't confirm if the lack of firmware info is normal for them. Really doubt it but sounds like you've already tried the pair sensor, re-set sensor without deleting from HE, re-pair sensor dance.
But, I have had issues in the past with a Hue Smart Button that mysteriously fixed itself just by letting it sit overnight. :man_shrugging:

The only way I was able to update the firmware on my 9 in-service indoor Hues was to temporarily substitute the Hue Smart Button driver. The outdoor Hue motion updated fine in the native driver. @mike.maxwell knows about this.

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Why are you linking to dumb sensor lights? None of these are zigbee, z-wave or even wifi.. Your message looks like ad-copy


Agreed, smells like spam to me too!


Reported as such. Though I just now got curious about his other posts and they ALL smell a lot like AI responses. @bobbyD what do you think?


The generic user ID doesn’t help their case either.


Does this spell the final banishment of @rlithgow1 ? :wink: Oh... no... I see now, there must be a hidden offending post (I assume...). We have to wait a little longer.... :wink:


Ted Wow GIF


Hehe, post is gone now, and Rick wasn’t the offender…. This time! :rofl:


@bobbyd removed it. Was an AI bot...

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With friends like you guys, who needs enemas?


There are some things AI can't reproduce... :rofl: :rofl: