Extra device in Z wave C7, + FW update

01 -> A5 -> 09
01 -> A5 -> 0A

I have 2 devices that route through A5, but A5 doesn’t exist in the list of devices. The devices that route through A5 show “failed” and I can’t communicate with them. How do I get rid of A5. Also no speed is indicated on these devices and all others say 40kbps
Multiple repairs and reboots have not helped.


I have just tried to move all my powered zwave devices over, its been a complete disaster, getting the message "Z-Wave Network responded with Busy message" in the logs and the ghost A5 device routing like you

I just removed everything also. Went though and excluded, removed, de-powered. Reset z wave - reset Zwave. Shut down hub for 30 min. Reset Zwave - shut down for 10 min. Added in 4 devices. Added in aeotec series 7 recessed. Now I have my ghost A5 device back again, and the aeotec doesn’t work.

Seems like a downgrade to 2.2.2 or add them back to smartthings and wait for a fix, seem to be my options

Yup, I’m saying things that aren’t fit for print right now. I’m glad I only added in a few devices. I would remove them again, but there is no use if that A5 designated ghost keeps coming back.

I have 2 of the A5's in my table. The device that has it seems to change every now and then, usually the battery powered ones.

I tried to add all my powered devices of which I have I have 16 it went to complete s**t on the last device :unamused: going to add them back to ST and use for HubConnect for the time being

Gotcha, well I’m happy to not be the only one. I can pair my devices at the hub, and no A5 shows up ( after repair, reboot ) and the device works as intended. ( open closed reg immediately ) I move the device 18 feet diagonally away. Do a repair, A5 joins the mix and the device is no longer working. Open / close do nothing. A5 only shows up with Dome Leak, Aeotec recessed DW series 7. I have a bunch of other battery devices and they never.

It is slowing improving I will give it another hour before I remove them

I see nothing in zwave log is that normal?

You have to open the logs in another window to see live. Mine doesn’t show any logs on that page either.

All mine are back on ST and back on Hubitat using HubConnect I might move ZigBee over instead

Add me to the list of phantom A5 routing.
I had a couple of TKB TZ88E which were working last night and could be controlled on and off.
This morning they are routed through the phantom A5 and can't be controlled.
I'm actually running with the latest z-wave firmware.

Yeah, I have my 2 Linear/GoControl WADWAZ-1 Contact Switches battery operated and they are not working reliably and losing events... They used to work flawlessly in smartthings and ST hub was way worse located... Now Im also observing the A5 routing. Since I'm in Hubitat for 2 days now, I'm not sure if's a range thing, bug... Because I've put new batteries and that shouldn't be an issue...

interesting i though it was only me. when my hub was hosed before going back to 2.2.2 i had the A5 node and everything routing through it for the mosst part.. Maybe this is the issue some ghostly A5 node cooked in the firmware somwhere

Just to point out the obvious, not only is A5 greater than any Z-Wave ID that you probably have, it’s also an alternating one/zero pattern (10100101), perhaps something in the new Z-Wave radio is oscillating? Or something loses and regains sync? Just a thought, I’m sure Mike Maxwell has already pursued that Avenue. After all, Hubitat is the first controller, I believe, to use the 700 chip, and the new protocol stack might have some issues. It’s so fun to be on the bleeding edge - lots of blood here.

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I have the same issue. New Hubitat user, added my devices according to distance from the hub, but 8 devices show routing through the A5 node. I was a smartthings user before as well.

Hopefully this can be rectified soon.

I also posted under this other thread that should be combined into this one.

Unknown Z-wave devices

Also seeing this and unable to remove failed devices.

What firmware version are you running? There was an update released today to fix many of these issues:

I installed the .2.132 and my network is worse than before. Now everything routes through A5, a repair says “busy” or “failed do communicate” it can’t delete routes. I had some issues so I did a shut down, no power for 10 min and restarted and when it restarted, every single Zwave device shows routing through A5 and now nothing works.
I await the hot hot fix, hot fix fix.

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Pretty much same, latest firmware, and many devices showing A5, and I'm unable to exclude as well, having to factory reset most devices