Everything Xbee

Anyone get this, where it routes through itself??


I purchased that Xbee module and the waveshare board also, but I'm having problems getting it to pair with HE. I've spent a couple of hours going through the settings in this thread, but a lot of those suggestions are for other types of modules and I really just want to find a working config for this one. If you (or anyone else who has got it working) would be so kind as to post some screen shots of your config, that would be greatly appreciated.

I have an xbee s2c, and it's actually the best performing, even better than my XBee3. I've saved my profile, which if you apply it, it will flash the latest firmware on the xbee, reset to factory defaults and then apply all proper settings(which work for me). You then only need to change the PAN ID(xbee PAN ID must match your Hubitat-look under zigbee details in HE), and update KY(search this thread). Then try to pair to hubitat. Once the xbee joins hubitat, change the JV value to 0 to prevent falling off, if the xbee misses a check-in, and the JV is zero, the xbee won't drop off the mesh. IF JV is 1, it will drop off your mesh.
I can't upload files here, so below is a link to my google drive with the config file for the S2C


XBeeS2C_profile_w_flash_factory reset.xpro

Google Drive file.


Anyone have suggestions on where I can order the USB to Serial port Xbee Adapter that's not going to take until mid-June or July to arrive? Amazon has the XBee S2C available for quick shipping

I've been using this one.

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THANK YOU! I must have clicked on 20 options that showed up searching on Amazon and not one of them could arrive before Jun 8 and most were late June/early July.

i use the cheapie ones(~7.00USD) and they work fine, especially when you need 4 or more, the wave share can get expensive

I think it's working as intended but I have one issue and two questions.

Issue: When I try to copy the 60 second Python file, I get this:

The instructions say that I will have to format the 1st time but Format is grayed out. I am using an XBee2c using @Rxich's profile.

Question 1: Is it possible to rename the Nodes with the Common Name such as "Living Room Lamp"? If there is, I can't find it. And for those of you w/ the Z-Wave PC Controller, same question.

Question 2: Should I have to rediscover my XBee every time I open XCTU?

Which Xbee module did you get? I'm far from an expert, but as far as I could tell when I did my research last time, any Xbee 3 is programmable, but you need a programmable XBee S2C (it will be labeled as such and the model number will probably have "B" towards the end of it) in order to do this.

I guess I should have done better research then. I got this one:

Is the only thing I lose is the presence sensor capability?

Assuming my interpretation of their product line (post 208 has a summary that I just edited with things I've learned since I wrote that) is correct, then yes. But you are also correct that you'll only lose the presence sensor (or whatever other programmable capability you might use)--for repeating and showing route info, they work great. One similar to yours was my first Xbee purchase.

Thank you. Presence is not important but that serves me right for not taking the time to read all of the posts in this thread b4 making a purchase.

I have found that my troublesome Zigbee Eria Dimmer routes thru a repeater on the other side of the house that is farther away than the HE instead of using one of the many other closer more direct options back to my hub. It was originally on that side of the house but was moved a couple of months ago. I also learned that a lot of my devices like using the cheap Home Depot EcoSmart brand Zigbee Bulbs as repeaters and so far, they seem to be doing a good job at it.

Thanks so much! Got it working ... one thing I want to point out, that was causing problems, is that I needed to use the EXTENDED pan ID not the 4 digit pan ID where XCTU asks for parameter "ID".

I shut my zigbee radio down last night for 30 minutes hoping that when everything re-established, that troublesome remote would find another way to route to hub. NOPE!!! It's still using the IKEA repeater on the other side of the house.

Derp, I'm so sorry I failed to point that out. yes, it's the entended PAN ID. It was so long ago I did this.

Glad the profile helped. There are a dizzying array of settings, but once you get through those, that little Xbee is one hell of a repeater, 18 devices connected all with LQI over 200 and space left for another 10 I think

Don't be so hard on yourself. there are about 87 different models of Xbee. I bought 3 before I got the one I wanted. I have both the 2 and 3 series. As a repeater the S2C is the best. if you want the presence, the 3 has the memory space to load the python script, although I got errors when I tried to load the presence script. I'm guessing I missed a step or 2

If that's the case, I am all good. I just want to be able to scan zigbee network and repeat. The device isn't going anywhere so it would always be "present".

@NoWon Thanks for the driver (XBee3 Presence). However, I'm getting the following errors in the logs. Dev 555 is an XBee3 that is active and connected. Dev 554 is an XBee3 that I turned off a couple of days ago. Both are noted as "Present".


dev:555 2020-06-21 07:32:17.215 pm errorgroovy.lang.GroovyRuntimeException: Ambiguous method overloading for method java.lang.Long#minus.
Cannot resolve which method to invoke for [null] due to overlapping prototypes between:
	[class java.lang.Character]
	[class java.lang.Number] on line 175 (checkPresenceCallback)
dev:554 2020-06-21 07:32:10.369 pm errorjava.lang.NumberFormatException: null on line 176 (checkPresenceCallback)

@rsjaffe not my driver thank @dan.t
Did you change the NI value so they have different names?

Yes. They're named "XBee3", "Xbee3a" and "XBee3b" (I have 3).

what firmware is on the Xbee3s?
I have not tested anything above 1008
I will not be back home for 3 more weeks to test 1009 or 100A
If you have updated the firmware the micropython will be corrupted
If you change the firmware you will have to reload the micropython