Everything Xbee

Just updated to firmware 1010, all seems to be working fine.

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Picked up a kit last week so I could map everything out. Didn't even think about a case. An razor blade, an old box, and 5 minutes later...

I don't remember these being this expensive. Are they in the same boat with the Raspberry Pi supply chain? (See what I did there?)

crazy price
noticed there hasn't been much stock for a while.
But you can still get the surface mount version from Digikey for a better price than that.
Still up approx. 20-30% from what they used to be though.
Weird because the government says inflation is only about 7% :lying_face:
wish I knew where they bought their stuff! :disappointed:

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I'd like to add an Xbee, primarily for mapping my Zigbee network. Can someone point me at the current versions of the gear that I will need...I'm more than a little confused about all the boards/connectors I've been seeing when I Google Xbee - I see Digi International, DigiKey, Mouser, Sparkfun, etc., and a plethora of stuff.

What should I be buying, and any recommendations for where I should buy it? (Covering my gammar bases.) :wink:

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These kits are a good deal, but there is three in a kit..

Edit: And..... there's no stock atm. :roll_eyes:
Edit2: Aha Digikey has some.

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Thanks very much for the links.

Darn...I don't need three, and don't feel like spending $100 for something I'm doing mostly on a whim/for fun. Since I have plenty of Zigbee repeaters already I just want one unit to do some Zigbee mesh mapping. I have a few Zigbee antennas laying around, so I do already have that.

Sorry to bother you, but can you point me at the "1-pack" version of this so I can monitor that and see if/when it comes into stock?

This is what I've been using; even with international shipping its cheaper than when I bought mine a few years ago: Digi XSTICK2 - XU-Z11 ZB - NEW | eBay

Ebay has a bunch of other Xbee listings as well.


Sorry, only know of that kit.

Maybe you can pre-sell 2 of the 3 on your local buy and sell ($35 each or $85 with a bespoke case). :wink:

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Thanks! That looks closer to what the doctor ordered... :smiley:

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There is a significant "lazy-factor" that needs to be managed... :wink:

I'm in the same boat as @danabw -- I'd love one just for mapping purposes.

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My Digi XStick2 is on the way, got the one off ebay. The lazy part of me won out, and the stick looks like it will be the simplest option...I'll be back after it arrives, with plenty of confusion about how to set it up and use it. :wink:


has anyone ever written successfully the NodeIdentifier to a HE device?

no haven't look at it.
What would be the use case?

the add on application - Network Assistant - allows drag and drop placement of your devices so your can get a good visual of the layout map with network traffic : it'd be nice to put names on the devices on the map:

One thing I haven't figured out, is how to search for Zigbee ID in the XTCU app...

I'd like to search for a device so I don't have to read through all 60-odd Zigbee devices looking for the ID I want info on.

If I put a zigbee ID in the search field (binoculars) nothing happens, doesn't matter if I hit enter or click on the binocular icon, etc.


What's the trick? :slight_smile:

Prefix with "MY:" eg: MY:9CD2


Works! Would never had figured that out - thanks! :slight_smile:

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To be honest, I only learned that when a twitch caused me to right-click in the search field. :sunglasses: