Envisalink Integration

Its all working but I see this error:

dev:162019-02-13 09:56:28.293 am errorjava.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke method offonly() on null object on line 261 (parse)


I've been using Doug's app and driver for a some time without issues, but after some tweaking with mi alarm system and as I saw I was using an outdated version I decided to start again from scratch with the latest driver and app.

Problem is the link to the code doesn't seem to be working, I'm sure it worked a few days ago (that's when I checked the actual version against my install).

I can't find the code for the integration driver and app anywhere...

Any clues what happened? This integration was just awesome, leveraging all the DSC stuff into HE was the best.


Doug has asked the hubitat staff to remove the thread. Unfortunately it's gone for now, I hope if/when hubitat fixes these performance/slowdown issues he will return. Doug has done an amazing job with this integration, I've been using it for almost a year now. Its sucks to see him go.

Uninstalling Doug's DSC integration was the worst decision I've made in my HE installation... now I can't go back.

I'll be waiting for the resurrection of this code. It was just great.

Just in case, @Doug if you need someone to beta test the code, I'm eager to give it a try.


Wow, this sucks. I have been building my alarm and using this code to work the automation. So is there no real Envisalink integration now? I mean if he had at least left the code, someone else could have picked up where he left off.

The code is still there-- magic of the GPL and forking. GitHub - bdwilson/hubitat_envisalink: Integration for Hubitat to Envisalink 3 or 4

I had copies. Thanks for putting your clone up! It just sucks that this isn't in progress anymore. I was just starting to get my alarm done. I don't think he had done keyfob zone integration yet. I would like to trigger events based on keyfob zones. I tried to set them up as contact but that doesn't seem to work.

Is there any way to change the Envisalink IP address without going through the entire app installation process again?

Under "Devices", find the "Envisalink Connection" device and go to the device edit page... Scroll down to preferences... Change the IP Address... click on "Save Preferences"... Once the page reloads, click on the "initialize" command button...

Thanks for your super-quick reply! I have done that, there is a “preferences” section that allows me to modify the IP address - done that - but when I go back to Apps/Envisalink Integration and click on * info, it still shows the old IP address.

It will... But turn on logs... When you run initialize() It will show it connecting to the new IP address...

The envisalinkIP variable in the plugin status page can only (easily) be changed by removing and reinstalling the app... Live with it... It does not affect anything...

You are right, works! Thanks a lot, very much appreciate you helping me out so quickly :slight_smile:

how do I set state to Instand arm? I tried hitting the buttom Arm night but nothing happens

A previous post regarding sensors not updating linked to a new version which is no longer there, the whole Doug thing i read about. I used the forked version but my contacts are not updating. Now to be fair, aside from adding some Hue bulbs this is the first thing I have done in Hubitat, so it certainly could be user error. I created a dashboard with a contact sensor which does not update, I also created a rule to turn on Hue bulbs which does not seem to run based on state of a motion sensor. Not sure if its required for sensor state, but I set the Envisalink Device to poll every minute.
Any guidance on getting sensors to update would be appreciated!

realized i can log...
2020-03-06 04:42:16.520 pm errorEnvisalink Integration: Connection Driver: Telnet connection dropped...

app:62020-03-06 04:42:16.396 pm errorEnvisalink Integration: Connection Driver: telnetStatus- error: send error: Broken pipe (Write failed)

app:62020-03-06 04:42:16.230 pm debugEnvisalink Integration: Connection Driver: sendTelnetCommand 00191

app:62020-03-06 04:42:15.978 pm debugEnvisalink Integration: Connection Driver: cmdArray: 001

app:62020-03-06 04:42:15.696 pm debugEnvisalink Integration: Connection Driver: generateChksum

app:62020-03-06 04:42:15.420 pm debugEnvisalink Integration: Connection Driver: composeStatusReport

app:62020-03-06 04:42:15.174 pm debugEnvisalink Integration: Connection Driver: StatusReport

I'll figure out the telnet thing - also realized its Envisalink 2DS...I think I read I need 3 or 4...


EVL 2DS should work...

Do you have another Home Automation hub connected to the unit? only a single connection is supported by the hardware.

@danoj and @cybrmage, I can confirm that mine works fine with a 2DS.

LOL I should have waited a few minutes for a response - ordered v4 and thanks to Prime 1-Day its now installed. Oh well.

However - I do have an integration into an ISY994i that I will eventually move away from, so perhaps that is why. I have a DSC Server app running on a PC that provides the integration. I'll take a look later today, thanks for the responses.

Seem all good now. Absolutely true I can only have one connection at a time...although perhaps 2 modules now means 2 connections possible. :wink:
Is it normal to have a 2 or 3 second lag? The ISY integration is almost instant - perhaps due to the DSCServer. I have not seen a HE integration using DSCServer, but is anyone aware if it, or something similar exists, if timing would be improved?


I'm integrating directly to the Envisalink V4 board using the Telnet app that @Doug originally made up and is now carried on by Brian Wilson.