Easier Way to Utilize Zooz Zen32 Scene Controller

The Zooz Zen32 scene controller is an impressive looking device.

I have the relay (large button) connected to turn on a room light. Click the big button, light turns on, LED on button turns off...great. Click the big button, light turns off, LED on button turns on...great. Light is turned on/off by automation or through dashboard, LED synchronizes automatically...great!

I want to use the other buttons to turn on/off Zigbee light strips. However, I found this to be difficult to do. What I ended up doing was creating 2 Rule Machine rules...one for the button action, and another one to synchronize the LED on the button.

This one toggles the Zigbee light strip:

This one synchronizes the LED on the Zen32 button based on the Zigbee light strip status:

Is there an easier way to do this that I am missing?

  • Having to create 3 more of these rules is straightforward, but I am thinking there has to be an easier way to do it.
  • I can see an obvious potential issue with this implementation...if I cycle power on the Zen32, I will have to manually "Run Actions" on the LED Synch rule if the Zigbee light strip is on and the Zen32 button LED is off (or vice-versa).

Also, is there a way to do this without the LED on the Big button flashing green?


I have a similar setup and also have two rules - very similar to what you have. The only difference is that on the button press rule, I use a “Toggle” option rather than an if/then. It does the same things in 1 line instead of multiple…

I also have one of my button that when pressed, will run all the LED rules, so if things get out of synch for some reason, pressing it will bring things back in synch.

As for the flashing green LED, I think the newer firmware doesn’t have it anymore, but I haven’t gotten to install it yet, so not sure…

The flashing light when you change parameters can be turned off with the current firmware. Should be in the Zooz docs.

I am thinking of a way to do what you want in one rule. After you change the state of the light do a wait for events, waiting for the status of the light to change, give it a short timeout. Then go the check for the state and set the indicator as you are doing in your second rule. Then you can clone this rule and select the new device for the clone, change the button and done.

You could also use a toggle and eliminate the first if/else

Thank you both for the feedback...it's good to know that at least 2 other people think the way I do!

I upgraded my scene controller to the latest Zooz firmware release...but I still get the green LED flashing behavior as described above.

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You have to disable it via a parameter setting. Here are two posts of mine that may be of interest. You may want to skim that entire thread for other posts of mine as well, lots of tips in there.

Disable flashing light: [RELEASE] Zooz ZEN32 Scene Controller (community driver) - #94 by jtp10181

Disable triple tap exclusion mode: [RELEASE] Zooz ZEN32 Scene Controller (community driver) - #100 by jtp10181

Let me know if you need a mocked up Rule for my idea above, I typed that out when not at my computer last night.

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I modified @bertabcd1234 driver to make each button behave as its own device on/off switch with the led light following its state. This way there is no need for rules to handle the led and a single entry in the mirror app takes care of everything.

This is how it shows:

Is your driver published? I'm looking for something exactly like what you've done. Very nice!

Not my driver. It is @bertabcd1234 driver. I don't think the change from button controler to multiple switch make it suitable for a PR and I don't know how he feels about that. Anyway I tend to be messy with driver I modify for my personnal use. It would require more proofing.

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