[DRIVER] Zooz ZEN37 Wall Remote

Zooz ZEN37 Wall Remote driver with the goal of exposing all advanced features and settings.

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Current Version: v1.0.0 - (2024-06-15)

:white_check_mark: Supported Products:

:ballot_box_with_check: Features List:

  • Specifically tuned to this device
  • All device events are included
  • All device parameter settings are exposed
  • Association support for on/off and dimming

:lady_beetle: Reporting Issues :beetle:
Please use GitHub to report any issues so each one can have its own conversation and tracking. Please provide as much info as you can including model, firmware and the "configVals" data string. Issues · jtp10181/Hubitat · GitHub

Must PRESS CONFIGURE BUTTON and check all your parameters after changing to this driver.

:eight_spoked_asterisk: Find on Hubitat Package Manager (HPM):
Package Name: :small_blue_diamond: Zooz Scene Controllers Advanced Drivers :small_blue_diamond:
HPM Install Docs: HPM Documentation

:eight_spoked_asterisk: OR Manual Download from GitHub
Direct Import URL: [zooz-zen37-wall-remote]
Full Repository Link: Hubitat/Drivers/zooz at main · jtp10181/Hubitat · GitHub

:beer: :coffee: Donations: ---->>>> PayPal.Me <<<<---- :money_with_wings: Never required, always appreciated!
:handshake: Support me by purchasing at TheSmartestHouse.com through my affiliate link!

Button Info:


Excellent work here!!

I may need to find/pull the ZEN37 user manual to answer this, but I think I heard you say the LED can be programmed to flash different colors based on which button was pushed.... Can the LED also display different colors (and/or intensity) based on the button event type? (e.g. dim red when B2 tapped, bright red when B2 held, dim blue when B4 tapped, bright blue when B4 held, etc.)

No, it is very basic, you just have 4 settings for the color of each button and then one brightness setting for the LED. I just tested multiple button presses and a single press flashes the LED once, a double flashes twice, etc...

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Definitely has an audible click to it, very similar to many of the other Zooz switches.


Thanks for the driver! Have one on order to test with under and over cabinet lights which are on a zigbee dimmer. I like that it is small and can be mounted on the inside of the door.. for $25 you cant go wrong!


Sudden unexpected battery drain on ZEN37. Any thoughts?

You would have to have debug logging on to see if its spamming out events or something. Although any button events should be posted in the events. I dont even have a battery for mine yet, I had to plug it in for testing a development.

I’ll enable debug and see what happens. I won’t have access for charging again for a while.

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I missed the giant bold all caps "press configure button" in your instructions after I installed this driver. I'm like... okay where's the thing that lets me configure the button-number in Rule Machine. Oh. :slight_smile: This works great! Thanks so much for the driver.

Helpful tips:
-To install through the Hubitat Package Manager I searched for "Zooz" and unselected Fast Search. (attached photo of correct driver to select)
-After installing and changing the Device Type, remember to... press Full Configure (photo attached).

I set up the top #1 button to unlock or lock the front door. The switch is right behind the couch, so if someone comes over, I just push the top button.

I'm going to set up #2 button to open the garage door, and I can't think of anything for the other two buttons. I already have a ZEN32 with a button that sets the mood (music and dim lighting), go bright (turn on all the lights everywhere), party mode (music, lights, unlock), and bedtime. So. Many. Buttons. LOVE!

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Sent it back to be checked. They sent me a new one.

Fingerprint is: fingerprint mfr:"027A", prod:"7000", deviceId:"F003", inClusters:"0x5E,0x9F,0x55,0x6C"

Was NOT recognized by driver.

When I plugged to recharge I got: Garage Control ZEN37: Unhandled: NotificationReport(v1AlarmType: 0, v1AlarmLevel: 0, notificationStatus: 255, notificationType: 8, event: 12, sequence: false, eventParametersLength: 0, eventParameter: [], sequenceNumber: 0)

Not a problem, just FYI.

UPDATE: I got same with event:13 when (I think) it reached 100%, and another with event:0 when I unplugged it.

I will report on battery life soon

I have the driver coded correctly. This is a platform issue where it matches with incorrect drivers (especially when paired with security) that I have extensively documented in another thread. It is in the beta section if you are a beta tester: https://community.hubitat.com/t/2-3-7-x-2-3-8-x-z-wave-driver-not-matching-correctly-with-s2-inclusion-c8/126988/3?u=jtp10181

Is that after you switched to this driver or while it was still on the wrong driver?

The event 12 and 13 should be these which is probably correct and makes sense, I am not doing anything with those in the driver. I still dont actually have a battery so I never saw those messages. Once I get a battery I will add a powerSource or batteryStatus to the driver to handle those events.


Yes, your driver and I am sure you are right about that being the charging and fully charged events.

It would be cool to expose those so users could get an alert when charging was complete.

Great job, Jeff

FYI, going on nine days using Zooz supplied LIR2032 and still at 98%. MUCH better.

How many presses beyond 2x does the ZEN37 support? ZEN34 supports at least 5x (by the driver and my testing).

Up to 5x and Hold/Release

Thanks. I'm a moron for not checking the actual documentation first. Sorry to waste your time.

Hello there @jtp10181 . Thank you so much for your driver. I bought two of these - for 2 separate rooms. I'm a novice and your instructions really helped. I have a couple more questions. I bought these remotes so that my Mother who is in her mid 80's can turn on and turn off all lights in a room like a normal switch. She is intimidated by technology.
How do I program it such that Pressing Button 1 - will toggle between turning ON/OFF all lights in a Room-A and Button 2 - do the same thing in adjoining Room-B, and so on.
Thanks so much

I would use the app Button Controller or Basic Button Controller: Basic Button Controller | Hubitat Documentation

They both have an option to toggle the lights, you could select multiple lights.

It might be possible to get into a weird state though with lights partially on and off and then toggle would just keep flipping them.

To avoid that you would probably have to also use a group or room lighting with an activator. Then Toggle the activator device from the button controller rule instead of each light directly. Which would in turn set all the lights in the group to the same state (opposite of current group state).

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@jtp10181 Thank you so much.

Note that driver matching on the remote seems to be working now. I installed your ZEN37 driver first and performed a generic Z-Wave inclusion. Your driver was automatically selected.