How can a zooz 37 button controller be used to perform dimming and color change functions on a Zooz Zen 31 RGBW Controller

Hi, I'm trying to find a way to use a Zooz Zen 37 button controller to perform both color changes and dimming on a Zooz Zen 31 RGBW controller.
Perhaps buttons 1 & 2 could be used for dim up and dim down. Buttons 3&4 could be used to sweep through the color gamut in much the same manner as the Mi-Light product line does with its color wheel.
I haven't been able to find any drivers written to accomplish this.
Any ideas where to look or where to learn ?(full disclosure, I'd be a code writing noob)
Thanks in advance.

You don't need a driver for this (assuming you have one for the device already; Generic Z-Wave Plus Button Controller will work if you don't), you just need an app--an automation that will do what you want. Have you checked out Button Controller or other options? That would be a ood place to start. If you have questions on how to use these options, someone can probably help--just not sure what you've done so far.

Thanks, I have looked at both the button controller and rule machine options. I was able to figure out how to use button hold for dimming but it required one button for dim up and one for dim down. I was hoping to find a dim-toggle option where the same button would either dim up or dim down on alternating presses. There does not appear to be a toggle option for dimming. I found no way to do a color sweep at all. The only thing I can imagine is using the four buttons to fade the four colors up or down, but without a dim-toggle option, that would require 8 buttons. There has to be a better way.........

Button Controller allows the use of conditional actions, which might be able to help. For example, you can say to dim down if the light is currently at 99 or dim up if it's currently <99 or whatever threshold you want. You could do something similar by checking the current color values, though that will take a bit more work. For things like that second use case, I actually wrote an app to help with my use case that you might be interested in, too:

(Not sure if it will help with your first use case--it's not something I envisioned, but there are a lot of options and it might...)

You can also use things like local variables in Rule Machine or global variables (overkill, but it would work...) in Button Controller or Rule Machine to track whatever you need, like how many times a button has been pressed (or whatever event).

Thanks again. I noticed the conditional actions, but was unsure how to utilize them. I'll have to revisit that. I'll also check out your custom app to see if I can make it work.
To amplify what I'm trying accomplish:........... Part of my background is in theatrical lighting. All current theatrical dimming systems allow you to choose the color and brightness/intensity for every light on stage using (usually) two faders. Once you have that established, you can copy and paste those setting to every other light that is necessary for that scene.
My purpose here is to be able to quickly set a color and intensity for the tray lighting in my living room ceiling utilizing the remote, and then have it memorized as a scene to be recalled later by another device or automation. I might want to generate a number of color/intensity scenes to be recalled for various occasions or to be utilized seasonally.
The bottom line is that I'd like to quickly create a scene (with RGBW tape lights) with a hand held remote, which I can then memorize as a scene.

Have you looked at the Group and Scenes or perhaps Color Animations app ad well?

I was planning to use Groups and Scenes to capture the scenes that I create with the remote. I'm not currently looking to use animations, just static color. But it is a thought. Slow animations over the course of an evening might be useful, but I'm not there yet. Wanted to make my scene creation easier considering color variations can run from thousands to millions.

RGB scenes and color fade/shifts are one area where I think Hubitat is somewhat weak. The Color Animations app is quite rudimentary, there are very limited transitions, effects, or fades to speak of. Granted, this hub isn't promised to be a 80s-disco-Saturday Night Fever-RGB light controller, or anything of the type. But it could be better.

You can turn on or turn the Color Animations app via any of the rules engines, it simply looks like an on/off switch to these apps, so you could have a handful of Color Animations built and cycle through these using a button press.

The other method I have come up with is to use Rule Machine, and simply pick a random color when a particular button is pressed. Another button chooses brightness up, and yet another is brightness down. You could probably have a listing of all colors you desire to use and cycle through those as a button press as well instead of randomness, but that adds complexity and time to build. Either way, this method is a bit awkward.

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If you want a fully functional driver designed for that device here is my custom one:
[DRIVER] Zooz ZEN37 Wall Remote

I also have a driver for the ZEN31 which reportedly works much better than the system drivers.
[DRIVER] Zooz ZEN31 RGBW Dimmer Advanced

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Robert, Jeff and Neonturbo, thanks for your help on the issue. It looks like I'll be digging down into the Button Controller, Scenes, and Rule Machine apps to make this idea work. For starters, I'll be loading Jeff's drivers to access as many parameters as may be available.
Appreciate the help !

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