Devices "migrated" but none work: C5 to C8-Pro

Yeah I have a remote control that does the same thing. Always only shows 1 neighbor for some reason but still works fine when I push the buttons.

If it were me and hearing what I hear, and not being an expert, I'd spend the few minutes it would take on each of your device's page to re-select each appropriate driver from the available driver list and clicking Save Device. Can't hurt...

I'll try that. Although the "ghost device" 0x19 doesn't have a Device Page, so sadly I expect I'm going to have to start fresh.

Sorry, didn't have my glasses on. Only 0x19 is a ghost

Right I wasn't paying attention. Only 0x19 is a ghost

I may have cleared the ghost by adding and excluding a different device on the C5. At least it no longer shows.
Interestingly, I did that merely to prove the C5 still fully works (which it does), including for adding devices, while the C8 Pro does not.
Sadly, I've already ordered a $40 USB Z-Wave controller, which theoretically now I won't need, but perhaps I can get other use out of it.
Update... that didn't help. Same symptoms still. Can't add Z-Wave devices nor control devices on the C8 Pro, even though the C5 can. I've spent at least 20 hours on this, and still can't control or pair a single Z-Wave device after migration, and the idea of manually rebuilding everything is both painful and counter to the promise of migration.

I am frustrated by how much documentation is out-of-date or inaccurate.

  • There is no "Repair" or "Refresh" button on the C5.
  • The Diagnostic Tool lacks an "Advanced" button, even on the C8 Pro, as documented here, so Full Reset isn't available. Which seems like an obvious next-step in my case.
  • Migration doesn't actually, at least in my case, work. But at no point have I manually tweaked anything.
    It may be moot, since it seems like given the failed migration I may just stay on the C5 until I switch platforms entirely, but the Diagnostic mode requiring MAC address without colons, while the Hub Info having colons, is silly-stupid also.

On the linked document, have you tried following the instructions in the note just below item #3 and you weren't able to update the Diagnostic Tool?

That is correct, C5 doesn't have capabilities to repair individual nodes. That is a feature of C7 or newer hubs. Instead, C5 hubs can run a full network repair and that button is at the top of the Z-Wave Details page.

I did (before running all that) run the instructions to update the diagnostic tool, as those instructions directed. It returns some text JSON, something like:
{true, "Update Available": false}
That was it. So I presume it was fully up-to-date.

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Is your hub connected to the cloud. That error could be friendlier, I agree, as it doesn't tell you why the update is not available.

Which C8 Pro hub are you working with at the moment? I checked your account earlier and the original C8 Pro was online while the C5 and the replacement C8 Pro were offline.

Right. I put the original back, figuring the replacement and original had behaved the same. I've put the C5 back now, but can put the C8 Pro (either one) back and leave it until we need our blinds down tonight if it will help.

Yes, it was connect. That hub (the original C8 Pro) took 40 minutes to update from .138 to .139 this morning! I presume because whatever is going on with the Z-Wave loop is maxxing out the CPU.
I can put it back online for the day if it will help. Or the other one. I put the C5 back to re-verify stuff and put the blinds up.

The hub will need to be online in order to update the Diagnostic Tool. So the next time you are trying, make sure the hub is connected to the cloud.

Oh, I understood that. It was at the time. I literally cannot access it when it cannot access the cloud.

The hub doesn't use cloud in any way shape or form, unless you are a Remote Admin subscriber and are using that service to access your hub remotely.

True, but my topology enforces it anyhow... the hub is in my DMZ and I have not gated its internet access. (Some IoT devices do have gated access.) My computer and phone are in my internal LAN. So I cannot access the hub if it's not on the network, which allows it to access the cloud.

The original C8 Pro is on the cloud again. I have just run the update URI again. The return is precisely:

"success": true,
"message": "No update for diagnostics tool available."

Oh, and now Advanced is there. Wonder why it wasn't before.
Okay, I'll try a hard reset.

Just like it says in the documentation, (the hub) should update on its own within a day or two after it has been connected to the cloud. Perhaps we could to add the "after it is connected" part to the documentation.

Looks like C5 is offline, now. Can you bring it back? I just want to make sure we didn't miss something when the cloud backups are created on the C5.

Oh, sure. Give me a sec. I was resetting the C8 Pro hard. The C5 is slightly screwed up compared to the cloud backup though; when I was testing inclusion/exclusion (which work), my S.O. went to take a shower and the bathroom got excluded. Feh.