Hello all, I migrated from a vera plus to a Hubitat C7 about a week or so ago Been working here and there, but some/most of the time there are some devices very slow to respond or no response at all. My mesh is about 50 zwave devices, House got 2 story and about 4500 sqft. Attached are few pics from the zwave details screen. I have a mix of S2 Authenticated devices, some, with security none and few S0. Zwave logs don't show anything (100% empty). Sometimes when I turn off the hub it gets better for about a day but slowly goes back to bad. Some times I would do a repair and a bunch of nodes fail, I then turn the unit off, back on, do a repair and they all work.
Not sure what to do here, I never had this type of issues with my vera plus. Do need to upgrade all my non S2 switches? Im currently using authentication on all my S2 switches should I remove that do S2 unauthenticated?
This is a lethal combination, that is sure to make your mesh go unresponsive while encrypted devices (S2 or S0) are trying to communicate with the hub. I would exclude and reinclude them by skipping encryption (no security). That not only speeds up your mesh, but makes communication between your devices better. Secondly, running repair with one or more devices unresponsive (failed) in your mesh, could sometimes do more harm than solving routing problems.
I second the suggestion of re-including S2 devices without encryption enabled. That's what I did in every case while moving from Vera Plus to Hubitat, and things work great.
Another, less obvious, thing I might propose is that -- if you haven't yet decommissioned your Vera hub -- unplug your VP or at least move it far away from the HE, since their proximity could otherwise induce a noisy radio environment.
You would want to check the Logs (past Logs) for live logging and past events. You can access these logs and a lot more, by selecting Logs on the left menu of your hub.
A repair still showing few failing nodes. The Hubitat phone devices screen still not updating, devices will go off, but still showing as on. Still slow. wonder if I should leave it alone till tomorrow since I deleted and added about 10 switches.
Sometimes it will take multiple tries to get them removed. If you click refresh, after a few seconds/minutes(?) you should get a remove option. It may take going through the process a few times to get them to go away.
I had one that took a good 10 times of doing that before it finally got removed. There are some, however, that will not remove and then you have to go the Z-stick and PC-Controller option.
Below is a quote from @bcopeland from another thread on ghost nodes.
It's the protocol that is chatty.. meaning if you have devices using S0, they are chatty. Locks and Garage Door Openers (GDO) are required to use Security and most on the market are available only using S0... so for them, there's no choice.
They are most likely the next working devices in your list (Large Garage Light and Large Garage Contact Sensor). You will need to power those two off/remove the battery, then click on ยซ refresh ยป until the option to remove becomes available. Check the logs (not the Z-Wave logs) for messages if it doesnโt work.
@Sebastien I was able to get the delete button, but clicking it does nothing. It takes a while to refresh the page but stays there. I went ahead and ordered a usb stick just in case in that to help deleting them
@Sebastien my logs are always empty. I clicked refresh on another window, clicked delete and they look like this, maybe I'm looking in the wrong place or wrong logs.