Device Labels changing on reboot

Just installed an 8 Channel Zigbee dry relay (Driver: Tuya ZigBee Multi Gang Switch) and changed all the labels to reflect their true assignments. On reboot all the labels have changed to a generic name. I was under the understanding that you can change the device label, not the device name, and HE will keep those changes on reboot etc. Am I wrong?


Are you referring to this community driver?

You might want to post within it to get a better response from the community developer.

Thanks for replying, but no, its this one

Hi @WetCoaster ,

Can you post your device details (please follow this guide).

In the latest code version I don't see definitions for 8 channels device.

You should be able to change both the device name and the device label without affecting the device functionality in HE.

Here are the device details...

endpointId: 01
application: 4A
inClusters: 0004,0005,EF00,0000
manufacturer: _TZE204_dvosyycn
model: TS0601
outClusters: 0019,000A

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@kkossev Just did a reboot and noticed its not just the device labels changing but the whole device is recreated with completely new Device ID's, it's playing havoc with some Maker API's stuff I run! Were you able to have a look at this driver yet?


You can change both.

Both should stick through a reboot, power cycle, or any event really. I have never heard of something like this before.

Yes I was under that impression too but it doesn't apply to this device/driver for some reason.

Is it a parent/child device setup?

If so, sometimes you can't change the Device Name on the Child devices (and maybe even the Parent, I don't recall that for certain) -- I'm not sure why (driver vs something else? I dunno)

It's been a while since I've ran into that (lately, my parent/child devices' Names and Labels have all been editable), but it was definitely something I've experienced before.

Yes it is a parent device with 8 children. I can change the names and labels but as soon as the HE reboots the devices are recreated, with the original names but new device id's.

Hi @WetCoaster,
Please update the driver to the test version 1.1.7 '2024/08/20 7:38 AM' - I have added the _TZE204_dvosyycn board, but I have limited the number of the relays to 6 (instead of 8).

This driver, at its current implementation, is limited to 6 relays only.

Let me know whether the problem with re-creating the child devices on the hub reboot is fixed or not. This driver checks on hub reboot whether the device network ID has changed and re-creates all the child devices.... It has been written this way from the first version, probably this is not the best approach, but I will need more time to review and refactor it.

Please write down your Device Network Id :

Reboot the hub and check it again - was it changed?

Thank you, I will install the test driver and reboot. Hopefully I will be able to do this later today and report back.


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Hi Krassimir @kkossev,

Yes! It works. The 'Device Network ID' stayed the same it did not change.

Before new driver...

After New Driver and after I renamed Channel #1 (Switch EP01) all was there after the reboot

But as you can see all 8 channels were created? and they all work!

Thank you so much. Is there anything else you have to do to make this a 'live driver'?


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Thanks @kkossev for your 'test driver' for this relay, as I said above the driver worked great but now only the first 6 channels are active. When I first installed this driver all 8 channels were active and working, however now after trying to use the channels 7 and 8 they are not working. Is it a big challenge to activate the last 2 channels.


As I wrote in my previous post, this driver can only support up to 6 relays. The last 2 relays are controlled in a different way and adding support for it may double the driver code - something I want to avoid.

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OK Thanks for the clarification