Developement Thread - app for resetting bulbs (Device suggestions welcome)

I can't get away from @stephack's theme.
Cobra's Reset Automated Power Sequencer


I'm so glad I was able to elevate the discourse on this thread. You are all very welcome.

Oh... and one for the road.
Digital On Off
Repeat as necessary.

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Ok, now we know you didn’t come up with ABC. Too tasteful. :joy:


Ok guys..
Here it is..

'Device Reset'
I have not had much time to test how quickly outlets can switch but I'm sure you can test that for me :slight_smile:

If you find that a bulb will not reset with the sequence I have programmed, then try using the 'custom' option to try different timings etc.
If I need to make any adjustments then please let me know

Anyway, please have a play and let me know how you get on.



In my testing this morning, it seems that both the ikea outlet and the smartthings outlet can only switch every second or so.

Perhaps a Fibaro switch would work faster.. next on my list to test

This is strange.. the fastest switch I've found so far is the cheap Chinese device mentioned here:

Using my driver, it will switch in about 500ms :slight_smile:

Connected to a smartthings outlet I also tested resetting this device and it reset perfectly :slight_smile:


I was just testing using a Iris V1 outlet, which seems to switch very quickly. The app seems straight forward, but is there a way to assign a button as the trigger to start the outlet switching? I am only seeing switches as a trigger, which then presents me with other outlets and lamps, but a button would be great to initiate the process.

Edit - I did set up a virtual lamp to use as the trigger, used BC to toggle the lamp, and that works, just a lot of extra steps.

I did wonder if someone would ask for a button trigger :slight_smile:

I’ll have a look when I get a chance


What is the fastest one that requires a fast outlet? I will test the V1 outlet to see how it handles it...

AduroSmart ERIA needs 10x 500ms switching


It worked! Iris V1 outlet switches very quickly.

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That’s good to know.

Thanks for testing that.


Timing is a huge issue. Because my hub is running events all over the house. There are delays between the switch throws. Then the app tries to catch up and toggles the switch so fast the bulb ignores it. I was using a Levoton Z-wave non-dimming switch and a Lightify A19 plugged into a lamp. The switching would start at a steady cadence, then pause either on or off for an extra second or two. Then BAM, rapid on off so fast that the bulb ignores it. This is a good start, is there a way to escalate code execution priority? (I know there isn't) Ideally if we could tell the hub to pause other rule execution while we reset our bulbs it would all be so much easier. I don't know what other developer tricks you have up your sleeve but this should be possible. Maybe someone with a multi-hub setup will have better results.

I have multiple hubs and didn’t experience this at all.
Everything ran smoothly for me.
Unfortunately, there is nothing I can do to prioritise this app over others.
If you hub is busy then it may mess with the timing.
I’m sorry, there is nothing I can do other than suggest you use it when you know other stuff is not running.
You could try a reboot to ‘clear the decks’ before trying again to see if that would make any difference.


You might try a zigbee outlet. I have read here and other places that zigbee fires faster, compared to z-wave. I have both, and my zigbee outlets are faster and more responsive than my z-wave.

Ok, so I was able to reset a Lightify A19 on a Leviton Z-wave outlet. So I believe we have a winner. I'll try again using some ZigBee plugs this weekend when I have more time. I'm no longer dreading the next time all my mish-mash outside bulbs decide to drop off the mesh as they seem to do once or twice a year.

Thank you @cobra

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You are welcome


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I have updated the app to version 1.1.0 (Uploaded to GitHub)

This version is a complete re-code as the 1st code was a bit messy.
I have added a 'Button' trigger (with up to 8 buttons) for those that asked for it.
I have also changed the input for the 'Custom' device to now work with milliseconds for greater control.

One thing to note:
Zigbee switching seems to be considerably faster than Z-Wave
I suggest you use a Zigbee device outlet or relay to do the actual switching on/off




Success resetting an AduroSmart ERIA bulb. I used a Zigbee lightify outlet this time. ERIA needs to be toggled off and on five times.

Can I use this app to determine if the Zigbee device is still active?
That is, I have a number of devices (switches, outlets, sensors, etc.). Can I use this app to somehow determine if that device is "still on the mesh"?