I installed the new code and am getting the following error after running the test:
Unexpected Error
An unexpected error has occurred trying to load the app. Check Logs for more information.
Error: No signature of method: java.lang.String.Integer() is applicable for argument types: () values: [] Possible solutions: toInteger(), isInteger(), intern(), center(java.lang.Number), center(java.lang.Number, java.lang.CharSequence), indexOf(int)
Too bad that NWS doesn't update the API fast enough. Getting a fog advisory which has expired. After that is the Winter Weather Advisory which is active until the 31st.
It should update immediately. The NOAA application should pickup on it depending on your settings. The default settings only Watches for severe weather alerts. You can include the other minor alerts too.
You will have to look into the active=true in the URL. Today, my location has a Winter Weather Advisory until January 13. If active=true is in the url, no alerts. If I take it out then I see the Advisory. Not sure how NWS determines that part of the URL.
No JSON feed currently available for your coordinates. Either there are no weather alerts in your area or you need to change options above to acquire desired results.
Displaying the Advisory: https://api.weather.gov/alerts?&point="My Coordinates" &status=actual&message_type=alert&severity=minor,moderate,severe,extreme
Message Type
Sender Name
NWS Twin Cities/Chanhassen MN
Event Type
Winter Weather Advisory
Winter Weather Advisory issued January 12 at 9:50AM CST until January 13 at 12:00AM CST by NWS Twin Cities/Chanhassen MN
Can anyone give me some insight into the functioning of a couple of aspects of this great tool:
"Switch to turn ON with Alert": I want to use this to trigger a tornado warning siren sound. I get that it turns on when the alert triggers, but when does it turn off? Does the NOAA app turn it off at some point (what point?), or do I have to turn it off in a rule after examining the Alert Custom Attribute of the Tile?
Repeating: If I have the Poll Frequency set to every 5 Mins, and then I get a severe Thunderstorm Warning, I assume that the Echo Speaks alert would trigger. But what happens if the warning is still in effect after 5 mins when it polls again? Does it resend the alert to echo to speak, and turn the Switch on again, or is it smart enough to recognize that this is the same alert it already triggered on?
What happens if there are simultaneous alerts such as Severe Thunderstorm Warning and a Tornado Warning? Or in my area, it is likely that there would be a Tropical Storm Warning and a Tornado Warning at the same time. What happens then?