[DEPRECATED] NOAA Weather Alerts

I will get this fixed tomorrow

2.4.3 - fixed AppWatchDog2 setVersion

For those who had weather last evening, had repeats enabled AND had to go through the agonizing pain of a bug....my deepest apologies as I went through it myself.

2.4.4 - fixed missing reset for repeats, added restrictions to repeats, added options to Pushover if restricted option


Version coming in perfect. Thanks. Does Custom Coordinates get us any more of an advantage for alerts over using the location settings in the Hub? Just curious.

@razorwing Custom coordinates were for a user who is on the border of Canada and US. Needed to have custom cords for the weather API to work.

Ok, I was just wondering. Nice of you to do that for them.

Just Installed this app. Looks nice. One thing I just noticed is I got an alert on my phone for a frost advisory (not from NOAA app). I checked the settings and didn't see an option for frost advisory. Is it not there or am I missing it?

2.4.5 - fixed "final" bug in repeat - forgot to convert to integers for calculations, complete reorganization of code


What do you have your "severity" setting within NOAA app? I believe that would be considered a minor severity. So if you only have severe and extreme selected you will not get any notifications on such type events.

WARNING: if you select all options you will get every weather notification relevant to your geo location. That might be overkill.

Thanks for the reply. Here's what I have.

Remove the advanced settings. Set those to blank.

@aaron You da man. As soon as I removed the advanced setting, I got the alert. Thanks.

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I'm having issues with the Dashboard tile not clearing itself. I ran the "test" last night and the dashboard tile still displays the test this morning.

Any ideas?

I'm on version 2.4.5

Odd. Will look into it.

@aaron I'm starting to get these errors in my logfile..

app:20202019-12-22 10:00:32.207 pm warnWeather.gov API did not respond to JSON request.

That is normal. It is because of NOAA weather service API either not responding properly or in time OR your ISP has had a blip when the app checks. If you get this consistently every 5 min that’s when we have an issue.

I'm seeing the same issue with the tile not clearing after a test.

2.4.6 - fixed tile refresh issue

Great, but the last entry in the change log I'm seeing is:

  • Changes:
  • 2.4.5 - fixed "final" bug in repeat - forgot to convert to integers for calculations, complete reorganization of code


Probably would help if I clicked save in GitHub. Thanks for letting me know. Now posted.

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