[DEPRECATED] NOAA Weather Alerts


I didn’t make any changes to the talkNow routine. So not sure what is going on with that. I did a chrome cast test and did not have any issues like you are reporting. Again odd.

As for the repeat can you click done and then go back into the app and run the test? It should work correctly as all my testing worked at 1, 3, 5 and 10 increments in my testing.

@aaron Ok, it seems to have settled down itself. Don't know why. I tried 1, 3, 5 and all worked ok. So everything is working great! Thanks

Also I added in my rule for stopping and refreshing the speakers so that seems to have fixed the other issue.

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I'm having an issue after installation... I have it configured to use echo speaks to two echo's...

I'm getting the following in the noaa logs:

Running a test only outputs voice to one speaker, the 2nd speaker never speaks and outputs errors on the device.

I've also had NOAA cause the echo that's throwing errors go offline and I have to unplug and replug it back in to get it connected back on my wifi successfully.

Try removing the .toInteger() from

state.decrease = repeatNumber.toInteger()

Or whatever you have called it now .
It might be throwing the errors


No that wasn't causing the error. It was the initializing not happening if they hit test in the initial setup and the state variable were not set. I did a check in the repeatNow() routine that if the state variable was empty to do the initial setup again.

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Thank you for your bug report. The first bug is known and is now fixed in 2.3.7. The second reported bug is not my app but your alexa device(s). The dev:1093 is your alexa device code not working correctly. This is usually due to your token expiring, token being lost OR lost brief connectivity to Amazon. This is not a NOAA issue.

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2.3.7 - fixed initializing errors being reported for default state when running test in initial setup without hitting done

My apologies about the rapid code changes.

2.3.8 - added repeat intros to TTS notifications to distinguish a new notification over an existing, added AppWatchdogv2 support

@aaron I hate to bring this up again but we just had an alert and it is now on the 4th message. I have the number of repeats set to 1. I'm on 2.3.8

@razorwing Hmmm this isn't right. So I need logs of the app as I did put information into the repeatNow() routine to log if logging is enabled.

So in NOAA turn on logging and set the timeout minutes to 0. This will keep logging on indefinitely. What the logs to see if NOAA is truly repeating. You should see something like the following:

Repeating alert in # minute(s). This is #/# repeated alert(s).

If you are I need to see those logs. :slight_smile:

If it finishes the repeat then it should have a log message stating: Finished repeating alerts.

Also ensure you have logging on for your chromecast devices. Lets see how we can eliminate the problem if it is NOAA or if it is chromecast.

Right now it says No New Alerts. Waiting 5 min. before next poll.

Change.... I thought a 4th message would occur but it hasn't yet. The alerts sent to pushover are only 3 but the times are strange. 1st at 2:36, then 2:41, those are OK but the 3rd was at 2:52.

OK so two more questions:

  1. Are you getting multiple pushover notifications along with TTS?
  2. What are the chromecast logs?

BTW I did find a bug looking at my code...but it has nothing to do with what you are experiencing.

2.3.9 - fixed TTS repeat intro for talkNow routines

2.4.0 - added new AppWatchDog2 code enhancements

getting this error after testing in app

app:14782019-09-02 08:36:30.956 pm errorjava.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke method toInteger() on null object on line 345 (updated)

app:14782019-09-02 08:18:59.365 pm warnDebug logging disabled.

app:14782019-09-02 08:03:59.318 pm errorjava.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke method toInteger() on null object on line 345 (updated)

app:14782019-09-02 08:03:59.265 pm warnDebug messages set to automatically disable in 15 minute(s).

app:14782019-09-02 08:03:59.230 pm debugUpdated with settings: [whatPoll:5, useAlertIntro:false, sendToAWSwitch:false, musicmode:false, useCustomCords:false, modesYes:false, getAPI:false, noaaTileReset:30, pushovertts:false, speakervolRestore:60, whatAlertSeverity:[moderate, severe, extreme], whatAlertUrgency:[immediate, expected], alertCustomMsg:{alertseverity} Weather Alert for the following counties: {alertarea} {alertheadline} {alertinstruction} This is the end of this Weather Announcement., speechmode:false, logEnable:true, speakervolume:75, repeatYes:false, echoSpeaks2:true, runTest:false, myWeatherAlert:[EWW, FFA, FFW, FLA, FLW, HWA, HWW, TOA, TOR], whatAlertCertainty:[likely, observed], logMinutes:15, echospeaker:[Echo - Kitchen, Echo - Master Bed Room, Echo - Living Room, Echo - Media Room]]

app:14782019-09-02 08:03:44.924 pm debugBuilding alert variables.

app:14782019-09-02 08:03:43.660 pm debugURI: https://api.weather.gov/alerts?point=35.351793%2C-96.927204&status=actual&message_type=alert&urgency=immediate,expected&severity=moderate,severe,extreme&certainty=likely,observed&code=EWW,FFA,FFW,FLA,FLW,HWA,HWW,TOA,TOR

app:14782019-09-02 08:03:43.650 pm debugConnecting to weather.gov service.

app:14782019-09-02 08:03:20.358 pm debugSending alert to Echo Speaks device(s).

app:14782019-09-02 08:03:19.969 pm debugInitiating a test alert.

app:14782019-09-02 08:03:04.019 pm errorjava.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke method toInteger() on null object on line 345 (updated)

app:14782019-09-02 08:03:03.995 pm warnDebug messages set to automatically disable in 15 minute(s).

app:14782019-09-02 08:03:03.985 pm debugUpdated with settings: [whatPoll:5, useAlertIntro:false, sendToAWSwitch:false, musicmode:false, useCustomCords:false, modesYes:false, getAPI:false, noaaTileReset:30, pushovertts:false, speakervolRestore:60, whatAlertSeverity:[moderate, severe, extreme], whatAlertUrgency:[immediate, expected], alertCustomMsg:{alertseverity} Weather Alert for the following counties: {alertarea} {alertheadline} {alertinstruction} This is the end of this Weather Announcement., speechmode:false, logEnable:true, speakervolume:75, repeatYes:false, echoSpeaks2:true, runTest:false, myWeatherAlert:[EWW, FFA, FFW, FLA, FLW, HWA, HWW, TOA, TOR], whatAlertCertainty:[likely, observed], logMinutes:15, echospeaker:[Echo - Kitchen, Echo - Master Bed Room, Echo - Living Room, Echo - Media Room]]

@samgann Click done, go back into app, click test

2.4.1 - fixed default settings not initializing correctly

Thanks a lot that fixed my problem.

Great app.

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2.4.2 - fixed misspelling of variables causing infinite repeat

@aaron How do we get the version to show up at the bottom of the App. I asked I think once before but not sure if you saw it. It reads Null right now.