Defective Hub?

Twice in the last few days my C7 hub has gone AWOL, apparently alive by the little green light but no other evidence of life. Twice I was able to resuscitate it by the ancient and true method of pulling the plug. At this moment, it is operational but reveals nothing useful about its delinquent behavior.

The hub had earlier behaved oddly by insisting on turning off a specific light immediately after turning it on. It did this only within a "rule" and not, say, by issuing a direct command from the device page.

So, an unreliable hub being worse than no hub, what next? Replace, or are there corrective actions?

And, of course, Happy New Year!

Mike M.

well... let's do a little digging first if we may. When you say AWOL what specifically were the symptoms? You couldn't connect to the hub via browser? Automations stopped working? Usually the green light means the UI is up and running. Perhaps there's something else afoot.

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The last few times similar symptoms have been reported, it has turned out to be an issue with a defective network port, a defective network switch, or a bad ethernet cable.

I'm not saying that's what is happening here, but I'd encourage you to eliminate those as possibilities.


Or I'm thinking a dynamic IP address...


What apps (and or integrations) is that bulb used by as indicated by the device page?

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Thanks for all the kind and quick responses to my note.

When I say "awol" I mean that it does not show up at all on my network, where it has a static IP address. Other devices (say, my desktop computer) don't seem to be affected so, if it is an ethernet issue, it would have to be in the hub port, the cable, or the specific port on the router.

If it is an ethernet/port/cable issue, why would "pulling the plug" correct it? Neither the hub nor cable are moved when I do this. Is there a way to check these issues other than wiggling cables and waiting to see what happens?

As to the "odd behavor": I had a Hue light, paired to a Hue hub and integrated to my C7 via the Hue Integration app. The bulb was set, along with other lights, to turn on at a specific time, accomplished with a simple rule. The rule had been working perfectly until a week or so ago, Then the other lights would turn on as expected but not the one bulb. The logs showed the bulb as being turned on but almost immediately turned off. I could find no evidence of another app or rule that would be causing this peculiar behavior.

Mike M

Would it be worth installing the Hub Info driver to get some metrics on general hub health? CPU, memory, database size, etc

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Because errors are transient. And the hub may not be recovering after an error.

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Can also be used to notify of a new IP address for the hub if it changes, either by using RM or something like the Hub Monitor App


Okay. But, if I re-boot my router, which I do from time to time, the hub of course goes off line. When the router is back up, the hub usually follows soon thereafter.

If the problem is transient errors in the hub, then the hub is defective.

I forgot in my original post to note that when the hub appeared to be AWOL, it was not executing scheduled commands. Lights that should have been off, were still on and had to be turned off at their switches.

Mike M


Are you doing a DHCP reservation of an actual static ip on the hub itself? Even if it's off line to the network, are automations still working? What 3rd party apps are you running and what do your stats look like? What platform are you on? It sounds somewhat like DB corruption. I would start by going to settings>>backup and restore, click DOWNLOAD all the way at the bottom of the page. Save the file to your local pc. Go to yourhubip:8081 and do a soft reset and then when prompted, upload the database you saved on your PC (not the ones on the hub). This will eliminate the possibility of a corrupt database. If it continues after that I would start looking at your switch.


Good idea! I do have that driver installed. The following is a screenshot of its current report. I don't know how to interpret most of the data and the answer to my dilemma might well be there.

Mike M.

You'll probably want to turn on some of the monitoring settings like DB Size, CPU, memory, etc. Temperature can be useful as well.


If you believe you’re having issues with the hub changing addresses, monitor changes to localIP too.


Interesting suggestions and ones that I will try if nothing simpler shows up here today.

I do enjoy the challenges my Hubitat hubs sometime present but, like others here, I find that domestic harmony requires that it (if not me) behave consistently.

Mike M.

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A quick note as well, though it might not apply in this situation - you can always try: http://hubitat.local to access your hub.

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I have the web-based interface to my router bookmarked so I can access it quickly. One of the first things I do when I am having trouble with something on the network is to look at the network map. It's a quick way to find out where to focus first.

Mike M.

If the database was corrupt when I downloaded it, wouldn't it still be corrupt when I uploaded back? Does the "soft reset" somehow clear things.


Mike M.

No. Backups remove faulty/incomplete entries.


You might also contact Hubitat support if you continue to have problems.

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