Dealing with Zigbee Issues - Gotta love those Crees

Turned off zigbee radio and the ide responded better. flipping through screens like high speed internet now. And controlling the zwave devices is like physically throwing the switch. it's still off. - zigbee is off.

Cool, interesting!

Now I guess you should turn Zigbee back on and (assuming its back to slow UI again) go down the list of Zigbee devices disabling them one by one, testing each step to see which one(s) make the UI go slow.

I feel like I want to change the channel. I'm at 26 and was advised against that. I know that i'll have to reset most of my zigbee stuff and rediscover it to get it to change. Thoughts?

The default Ch 20 has always worked well for me. I think you have shown that changing the channel had no effect on your symptoms, so you may as well go back to where it was to start with.

Ok so i'll go back to 20. do some blinkity blinkity this evening and revisit this noise issue tomorrow once things settle again.

actually .. changing away from 20 ... was painful. and I lost 5 devices by day 3. haha

What you are experiencing with the Zigbee network is the same thing I experienced. I’m not saying it’s the same cause because you are seeing IDE slowdowns and weirdness with the zwave side as well. I have about 10 Cree bulbs, a few GE link, and some hue bulbs. I moved all the bulbs over to a hue bridge and that has been perfect.

I experienced this on both Smartthings and HE which makes me think it was mesh weirdness with Zigbee. Side note, the hue bulbs were added when i bought the bridge, they were never paired with HE.

Once i did this, my lights were more responsive and i wasn’t losing connection to Zigbee devices on the HE network. I did add repeaters to the HE Zigbee mesh since i didn’t have anything repeating now that the bulbs were no longer in the HE mesh and many of my devices were far from the hub (and sleepy, so they didn’t repeat).

ok, so i'll start the rediscovery dance now

sucks to go through all this april, these kind of issues drive me nuts.

@jon1 @corerootedxb @aaiyar - the Crees required no additiona maintenance whatsoever. I had to rediscover my xiaomi sensors, but everything is back on line. When I swapped to 26 before, it took me rediscovering most of my zigbee. Perhaps this is a sign?


Awh thanks! Seems my system likes channel 20 better. I only had to rediscover about 8 xiaomi motions. everything else was like .. Ope (Iowa thing) .. here you are ... I'm connected!


I had a similar issue with some ikea bulbs directly connected to my HE. They were just eating up my iris MS reports and not forwarding them or making them really slow.
Do you crees listed in the zigbee table have anything repeating them or off them ?

Can you tell that? If so, please explain.

basically I dont like to see a device thats not a repeater to the right
device X is repeating off device Y

in this case I have devices repeating off of wemo bulbs, some devices at the other end of the house repeating off wemo bulbs. Replaced the wemos with hues and voila.

This is a nice looking zigbee table, very stable, very responsive (for me and my setup)

the only thing talking directly to the hub is that hue button controller up there under child data.

Where? Praytell, are these tables that you speak of?




Learned something new!

Peanuts repeat? is that what i'm seeing?

100%. I have a few myself. They're great repeaters, but not for Xiaomi Aqara stuff.

yah .. i like the xiaomi's because they're small. moved on to Iris now. I have another peanut I haven't hooked up yet. Perhaps I should place it strategically.