Dealing with Zigbee Issues - Gotta love those Crees

Good plan.

Well ... let's see how things do now that I'm back on 20. Maybe I'll turn things off this weekend and let the system perform a heal. But I'll leave things alone and see if it gets out of control again. Seems the hub is pretty responsive after reconnecting my zigbee radio and changing the channel. Now we wait. (I'm not very good at that thing called waiting.)

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I find a glass of Chardonnay helps with that ..... :laughing:


Oh yes. But then i'm all like clickin on shit like drunk dialing. What's This do?


OK so ... summary .. we've screwed up zigbee by changing channels to 26. We turned it off and changed the channel back to 20. Hub still seems to be playing nicely along with my bulbs. So .. I'll find my chardonnay .. and head off to bed and see where this roller coaster ride takes me tomorrow. Night for now.


hey april,
another trap for me was having my repeaters too far away from the hub.
you basically want the hub as the centre and the repeaters out from there, then devices past that ie ground zero and out from there. I have some repeaters within a meter of the hub and some a touch further. My initial idea was to have them out further like a mesh and everything would be great, but they really do work better as a spider web going out from the middle.

I bring this up as you have a lot of devices in the neighbor hood table.

And I taught @april.brandt something, I mean where do I get my gold star ?

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@april.brandt I believe you mentioned in an earlier post that you had some SYLVANIA light strips. I have a lot of the OSRAM / SYLVANIA product and I had devices not reporting and dropping like crazy when the strips and lamps were connected to my HE hub. I run a second hub just for these lamps / strips, as it was much less expensive than replacing the lights. They would repeat signals of devices for a while, then stop. They are definitely a problem and I do wish that they could be used on a Hue hub.

:star2: YOU get a sparkly star! :star2: Weird thing is that there are things upstairs that are bouncing off of my basement peanut. My house is a ranch and the hub is smack dab in the middle of the house at basement level. Things my house is 20x50 two levels. The path chosen is .... interesting. I'll fire up my other peanut and put it upstairs in the other living room or bedroom and see if I can level things out. Then do a shutdown on zigbee for a while again to let it repair. You bring up a very interesting point.

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Hmm ... I've been hearing that about the sylvania, I'll look at my newfound zigbee tables to see what wait .. what is this?

Zwave contact sensors just failed to trigger my zwave light switch. It's been what? An hour?

what driver are you using for the peanut repeaters ?

wait are we talking about zigbee, zwave or booze now... ?

The devices pick the repeaters they detect as the "strongest" from memory.

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Sorry to hear that. It definitely sounds like your Zigbee mesh is possibly very chatty for some reason. I would recommend physically powering off all of the Cree Smart Bulbs. Try to run with just the Peanut Plugs and the battery powered motion sensors. It would be nice to figure out if you have just one bad bulb, or if together they've reached critical mass and are somehow getting very chatty. You may also want to unplug the Peanut Plugs for a few seconds, then pluf them back in to see if they behave any better. Basically, reboot each device to see if one in particular stands out at the bad actor.

Personally, I use Lowes Iris 3210-L Zigbee outlets (which are also Z-Wave Plus repeaters), along with Lowes Iris v2 3326-L motion detectors, Iris v2 Leak sensors, Iris v2 Contact Sensors, SmartThings Gen 1 Motion and Multi Sensors, and a ST Gen 2 Contact Sensor. I only use Sengled bulbs as they are not Zigbee repeaters. This combination has been very solid for me. I used to have GE Link and Cree Connected bulbs in the mix early on, but they caused some issues so I replaced them over time with Sengled. Since then, all Zigbee problems are resolved. I used to have old GE/Jasco Z-Wave (not Z-Wave Plus) switches and dimmers. I replaced all of these with Lutron Caseta and could not be happier.

Good luck! I ope you find your gremlin! (pun intended! :wink: )


This morning was not promising. Everything is slow again. I'm going to take Dan's advice and try to pin it down this weekend. I wonder if it's my xiaomi sensors? They're falling off again. I do need to remember that it's the added two crees that started this shitshow. Maybe I'll turn them off and see how life reacts. I'm going to turn off my zigbee radio today while I'm at work and let it sit for an hour or so until I remember to turn it back on. It's obviously something not liking my system.

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I'll check my peanut driver. I think it was the recommended one. I can't check it from here.

Personally I would think that that should be your starting point.
If your problems started when these were paired then................
Also in case things are routing via these devices (I haven't read all the thread or have Cree devices) it might be worth turning the zigbee radio off for 30 - 45 mins after removing the devices to make sure they are out of your routing table.
Just my tuppence worth.
Good luck. :crossed_fingers:

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Xiaomi sensors do not mix well with most zigbee repeaters. Definitely not with Peanuts. I have a separate HE for my Xiaomi gear with Xiaomi-compatible repeaters.

I only have xiaomi motion sensors which have been solid until now. See, I have 5 sets of sylvanias, 10 xiaomi's and one peanut on zigbee. 6 cree (now 8) and 5 iris v2 motion sensors. Everything has been working somewhat fine, becuase I did experience some whole system latency prior to adding those two crees. What if I get a second hub? Just run zigbee on? Thoughts? Would I stil lhave these issues? my house certainly doesn't require two hubs. 1100 square feet on each floor. Nothing is more than 30 feet away from the hub. I wonder which direction I should go? Thoughts?

This can be a debate that never ends.... I am very happy with my 3 hub setup but I don't think everyone needs that.

I really think these bulbs play into to problem. Bulbs are just horrible repeaters, outside of the Sengleds which don't repeat. Those bulbs will always give you some kind of headache.

As @bobbles said, I would start with the bulbs. Personally, I had once on OSRAM bulb lying around and thought it would be great to connect to my zigbee hub and use it in a closet. What a wrong move that was. That one bulb brought my entire network down, grinding halt.... Even Mike keeps his bulbs one a separate hub so they can wrack havoc with the mesh for the other devices.

If I would be you, I would see if my mesh is stable without the bulbs. If so, you can try to include them again and see if your mesh/hub gets unstable again. If so, you could consider getting a second hub top separate the bulbs from the rest.

I agree with this completely. And among bulbs, in my experience, Crees are terrible repeaters. I used to have one. I now have none.

When I looked at my routing table last night, I don't believe any of them wer repeating on or off of anything, but i'm working from memory. I'll address the bulbs first. I prefer switches to those things. it was a whim. Maybe I'll give my ST hub to my friend and all of the crees with it? I'd like to add more switches, but I can't remember which brand doesn't require a neutral. My house has some plugs wired without neutrals. It's great. Which is the purpose of the bulbs in those areas, or switched outlets.