Dead device 2147483647, can't get rid of them?

Any idea why I keep seeing this...

I have it on 4 different nodes, all the same 2147483647 for device ID and device type. I can 'Discover it', then delete it. But it'll just come back.


These are devices that either didn't get fully joined to the hub or were reset or excluded outside of Hubitat. If you want to remove them from this page, do not use the Discover button. Instead click on Re-Initialize. The Hub will attempt to reinitialize the device and it will usually change to the status of "Failed" after the first time, but it may take multiple tries. Once that happens a Remove button will show in place of the "Re-Initialize" button and you can use that to remove the node.


Thanks, seems to be working. Hopefully they won't come back!

FWIW I have had one for months now that won’t go away. Remove button never appears. Have rebooted and applied several firmware releases in this time.

I had some like this.
Re-Initialize until it says Failed. Hold down Shift when you click Remove. Ctrl-Refresh the devices page a few times afterwards to see if it does indeed go away.
I've had some success with this.

I had a similar discussion here (and saved a video of it)

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Thank you for this. The failed/removed device I have had for months that I reported to @bobbyD is finally gone!


This morning I noticed a z-wave motion sensor reporting Device Type / ID of 2147483647, and no z-wave cluster data when viewed from the Z-wave details page. It is the motion sensor at my desk where I am typing now. I have not noticed any odd behavior or problems with the motion sensor since it was added back in Jan 2019. As far as I can tell the data on the devices details page looks correct. Events page shows activity, and I see no errors in the logs.

The initial platform release and hot-fixes that ended in V2.1.1.122 created a lot of problems for my device database. All problematic devices, associated apps and rules needed to be removed and rebuild. Simply removing rules and re-configuring apps did not mitigate the problem. Once all devices were removed and re-added after updating to and rules rebuilt, everything started working properly again.

Currently running platform version I stopped taking updates after to ensure all was stable, and in good working order. Still is.

Any ideas? or Suggestions?

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