Daikin air condition

Hello. I will love to add my Daikin WiFi splits air condition units. I tried to read some post here but I get confuse with the virtual device, then IP address, adding the driver (gives me error). Can anyone help.


Can you back up and explain in more detail the steps you’ve taken and where you’re getting confused?

For starters, which driver are you trying to use?

Which driver are you trying to use? Is it one developed here on the Community? Or something built-in?

Also, what error do you see in the logs? Could you post a screenshot of the error and the Device Edit page, to show how you configured the device?

Thanks for answering!

I tried to install this driver GitHub - eriktack/hubitat-daikin-wifi: SmartThings Device Handler for Daikin WiFi Systems, but I get an error code when importing
And then, I don't know how to add a device I have connected by WiFi

What's the error?

Ok, Now I added correctly, no errors, I don't know what I was doing wrong. Sorry for this!!

But now how can I add the WiFi device?

In the Devices page, click the Add Device button and select Virtual from the options provided, i.e. not ZigBee or Z-Wave. Give the device a name and then select the driver you just installed as the type.

It worked!!! Thank you very much for your help!! It was really easy!! Really thanks!!

No worries. Glad to hear you got it working.

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You may also want to post any questions you have on the driver's Community topic:

Hi All

I am trying to add my daikin AC units "Emura 3" and Perfera to hubitat.

I installed the custom driver via package manager

I can't figure out how to then link the AC unit to the driver to create a device in Hubitat...

Still new to Hubitat.

Could someone explain the steps?


So you are not sure how to create the device in Hubitat, or how to configure the device?

If it's creating the device, open the Devices page, select create device, choose virtual, enter a device name and select the driver from the drop-down for type.

I did that part and added my daikin cloud account email and pw.

Added the device to the dashboard and then made a tile for thermostat and that device.

Something isnt working.

What im unsure of, is how does the virtual device know what AC unit to control/link to as I have 3 units.

Dont i have to link it with an IP or something to the virtual device?

I don't use this myself, so am not sure. Have you read through any instructions on the GitHub repository?

It also talks about the cloud version does not work with the driver, there are different series. What is yours?