Cloud backup failure causes Z-Wave radio to go offline

I do just about the same thing. A lot of damage can be done in a short period of time. I have a battery powered ZEN34 switch mounted near the door. It activates an old WaterCop valve that I adapted with a ZEN16 multirelay.

This summer, I put a Zooz Atlas valve on the line feeding the outside hose bibs, because I have a couple of plastic standalone drip timers that I'm not confident of holding pressure indefinitely.

Something that I also thought about, in conjunction with somewhat mentioning it in a thread, was having water available when the smoke detectors go off. I made some rules for the ZEN55.

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You might be interested in this now-expired patent I wrote for a client years ago.

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That's exactly what I'm doing. I have had a couple plumbers up north tell me that they turn off their water pump whenever they leave the house. They have seen way too much water damage. I'm in Florida now and any water can be an issue with mold down here. Even if the solenoid of the Dome burns out from excessive use, I still consider it cheap insurance.


Me too, almost.
When the alarm is disarmed the pump is turned back on.
The alarm could be on with the pump still on.
And then there's the fire scenario as mentioned before.
Of course, around here the fire people come just in time to save the barn (or garage).

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Has this issue been fixed? This morning most of my Z-wave wasn't working. Noticed a failure on cloud backup. I was on version 136. Updated to 144. Still no Z-wave. Shutdown and powered off hub. Things came back up ok.

But wondering if the cloud backup failure is still an issue and whether I should disable it temprorarily.

There is an issue on the C5 hubs, which hub had problems this morning, your C5 or C8?

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It was my C8. I don't use the radios in the C5 and they are turned off. In fact I don't have hub protect on the C5 as what I use it for it isn't needed.

Looks like the backup failure issue that we thought was resolved in 2.3.6, is still affecting some hubs. You may need to disable the cloud backup for now.

I did notice that based on a weekly cloud backup the backup was supposed to be at 2 am this morning, so that is when it bombed.

I will disable it for now. Just manually do one if I make any changes. I manually did one after I got things working this morning. Don't plan on any changes that I know of so I will be good. Thanks.


Hi Bobby, I thought your recommendation was to keep it enabled so you could extract debug info when it failed.

I still have mine enabled but I shifted it to 3pm on Sunday afternoons so I am awake and can check on it soon afterwards. Of course it hasn’t failed since I shifted it.

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The fix that was released with 2.3.6 has helped the majority of users, but there is a subset that still have problems.


I must be one of the lucky ones. Can't remember when I last had cloud backup issues. :smiley: Excuse me while I find some wood to touch.


@darren.rockach Lately a reboot has been all I’ve needed. But previously a full shutdown and power cycle was usually required if that didn’t work.

If a reboot resolves the problem, then the Z-Wave wasn't offline. Only a power cycle brings the radio back online, if it failed to start.


As I recall, when it first happened to me, a reboot brought some of the devices back, but a shutdown/power cycle was needed to bring it all of the way back. I've only done that when it happens now.

This is only empirical, not theoretical. :slight_smile:

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Strangely, most things came back online, except my sensors and a few other items - they would not come back without powering down my hub.

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If some devices are working, it's not the radio, it's the mesh. If no devices are working, then that is likely the radio, but not always :slight_smile:


Has anything changed to cloud backups recently? My last two manual cloud backups have failed apparently and one of them caused the z-wave problem again.

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No core code changes, but we have enhanced the user interface to better inform users when a backup fails and what component. Unfortunately, the Z-Wave backup failure is a known issue that affects a small number of hubs. Our engineers are looking for a permanent solution, but we do not have a time frame when it will be fixed.

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Hasn't happened in a while for me, knock on wood.

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