Cloud backup failure causes Z-Wave radio to go offline

I’m in IT, there’s no such thing as a computer that doesn’t need an occasional restart. Some systems have bigger memory leaks than others.

I even reboot my Linux servers once a month to ensure they stay healthy. AIUI, Hubitat runs on Java which is a memory hog to start with - in fact Google “Java memory leak” and you’ll see it’s an extremely common issue (it’s also why iPhones need half the amount of ram as Android’s).

The Hubitat team have improved things greatly in the last year - as a result I get weeks of uptime between reboots, instead of a few days.


my mikrotik cloud core router has stayed up over 6 months with no reboots and ill effects.. but that seems to be an outlyer..


Proper managed network gear is definitely much more reliable than average. That said, it needs to be. :sunglasses:

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Came on here to see if I could find a solution to an issue I've had for the last two weeks. I have my coffee maker come on at 0430 and half the time over the last two weeks the C-8 hub has been nonresponsive. I logged in to see both backups that were to be made ay 0301 wasn't done and I have an alert they weren't made. I have no control over anything on the dashboard. Nothing has changed with my setup and have been using it for years. Recently I bought the C-8 and have had most problems with it compared to the previous ones. I check daily for updates and do them immediately. Usually, a reboot fixes this but it's awful having to wait another 30 minutes to get your coffee when it has worked so well for so long.
I've always had the hub setup with a static ip address with my router. This is hit-and-miss as some mornings it works fine. Any clues?

This thread was started by @bobbyD , from the @support_team so maybe he can chime in here as well.

They're trying to track down an issue where Z-Wave crashes after a Cloud Backup. Your issues sound like they fit in. Are you using Z-Wave? Do you have Cloud Backup?

This issue has been going on for a while, but I guess it's hard to pin down. Problematic, since it's a paid feature, but...a radio crash without backup would take a long to time to restore.

A reboot, I've found, is not enough. You have to do a controlled shutdown, wait a minute or so, and re-power. This restarts the radios, which a reboot apparently doesn't.

I've set my old C-7 to power cycle the hub automatically when Z-Wave stops working, but my rule needs to wait a half a hour before it triggers. With a 3:15 backup time, this didn't help when this old guy got up at 3:30 the night before last, and the bathroom lights didn't come on.


Hey, I just noticed that there's a new update, 141.

The release notes say that it has the new location events.

Thanks, @bravenel !


Thanks velvetfoot for the info. Yes, using z-wave and cloud backup is performed every morning at 0301. I'll start doing a controlled shutdown. I didn't know that about the radios. Nothing worse than getting up at 0500 and having to wait another 30 minutes for coffee. I appreciate it.

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@bravenel , a question:

When using "cloudBackup" as a trigger, "cloudBackup" means it didn't work, correct? Similar to zwaveCrashed? For this guy, something like "cloudBackupFailed would be more descriptive, but maybe that's too many characters. :slight_smile:
edit: Now that I look at it, what's with all the sunrise, sunriseTime, etc? What does that mean when using them as Triggers?

I would assume that cloudbackup has a failed trigger as well as a successful trigger.

It doesn’t seem so but you can do the set variable to %value% trick


So, how would you do the trigger for a failed cloud backup?
edit: Create a hub variable and make it equal to the cloudBackup value? Or maybe a local variable?

Exactly what I did. What is likely confusing you is that “display values” is turned on and the last cloud backup was successful.

So to be clear : trigger on location event cloudBackup (which will trigger whether successful or not) then in actions copy what I did up there

Those are actions, not the trigger.

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So, it triggers on a change in the location event, whether cloudBackup goes from Success to non-Success, or whatever it's called, or vice versa?

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Looking at what @hubitrep has there the trigger is the fact that the cloud back up occurred (cloudbackup event). From the %value% of the event, you can make a determination of success or failure to take an action.

How all location event triggers work in RM afaik, which also answers @velvetfoot ’s question regarding sunsetTime etc

Ok, I got it. A trigger of cloudBackup will mean that a cloud backup has occurred, regardless of the outcome.

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Well, off the top of my head, you have zwaveCrashed, zigbeeOn, zigbeeOff, sytstemStart, lowMemory now, etc. More to the point.

They created two new location events, one requires a conditional test, and the other doesn't.

A trigger on lowMemory should do it. Not so much for cloudBackup. What do I care if it's successful? :slight_smile: